Beaten, But Not Broken!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Adventurers of Gaden,

We'll admit that we underestimated you, but don't think for a second that we'll make that mistake again. Even two resurrections and two Regen charges later, we're just as strong as ever, and if we ever cross paths again, know that it will be us that win the day!

Until then,
- Oskar, Thorn, Levi, Mikala, Jamie, Ludo, Credel, and Zeda -
The Perfect Storm
OK... can I just point out that this feud is completely stupid and avoidable. You guys tried to rob and kill us, and a lot of people died.

Is there any way to just end this instead of fighting a battle that none of us really want?

Seriously, I want to know if there is any way we can end this without any further bloodshed. At all.

-Benjamin Bookworm
I agree with Benjamin. This is silly and if you can't be nice, please leave before you get people hurt.
- Auryn