I have a few questions concerning Biata mental abilities. Having recently reached a high enough level to start playing around with advanced abilities some questions have come to mind for both functional and RP uses; I figured it would be good to get verification before I start using skills in certain ways IG.
1. Can a Biata recognize whether there is a damaged part of the mind, an area affected by a mental ability that may require Restore or some like skill or is the work of other Biata invisible?
2. With the skills Mind Reading or Mind Meld is there a transfer of physical sensation at all, say the feeling of being knocked over the head or being stabbed through the chest? Similarly, in order to craft stronger memories using Twist, would such sensations be able to be planted as a part of the memory? I know emotion is for Stone Elves but the physical sensation itself would not be emotional in nature.
3. Is it possible to use two of the skills at the same time, such as using Mind Reading while using Cause Pain (dependent upon #2 above) in order to know just how much pain I am applying so that I may fine tune my use creating different levels of pain? And if so can the pain be focused into a particular area, such as where I am touching, leaving all other areas unaffected?
1. Can a Biata recognize whether there is a damaged part of the mind, an area affected by a mental ability that may require Restore or some like skill or is the work of other Biata invisible?
2. With the skills Mind Reading or Mind Meld is there a transfer of physical sensation at all, say the feeling of being knocked over the head or being stabbed through the chest? Similarly, in order to craft stronger memories using Twist, would such sensations be able to be planted as a part of the memory? I know emotion is for Stone Elves but the physical sensation itself would not be emotional in nature.
3. Is it possible to use two of the skills at the same time, such as using Mind Reading while using Cause Pain (dependent upon #2 above) in order to know just how much pain I am applying so that I may fine tune my use creating different levels of pain? And if so can the pain be focused into a particular area, such as where I am touching, leaving all other areas unaffected?