Biata Phys Repping


So one of my friends who is going to come with me to the May event wants to play a Biata. We've read through the different race packets and the rule book, so we know what color feathers we want. The question is how many feathers are necessary? He wants to wear his feathers above his eye brows, but we aren't sure if this is enough. Is the rule of thumb enough feathers to make it known that a person is a Biata?

Yes, just enough to look like a Biata. Just one feather per eyebrow can be enough, but most people that I've seen use 2-3 gathered together to get the colors.

The eyebrow feathers are all that's required; you can also have a "gryphon claw" type thing which is feathers around the wrist, but this is typical only of older Biata (100 years old at least) who are "high blooded" (although in Chicago Biata bloodlines as described in the national packet won't come up on account of the slavery situation).
So it's probably best for at least the first event to not have a griffin claw until we figure out the rest of his costuming?
Yes, probably.

You can always add one later if you want. Personally, I would probably not wear a claw since it's meant to be rare and indicative of age and power, but it's entirely up to PC choice.
On the flip side, it's always encouraging to see more then the minimum number of feathers. Some of the things I've seen that I really have liked is additional feathers in the hair (even in fairly short hair, a decent hairspray will hold them in well enough) or tufts of feathers at the temples sweeping back behind the ear etc.

You can also ponder light make up around the eyes to accentuate things depending on comfort/artistry level.

I would avoid the claw, both because it's tough thing to do well, and you forgo potential future rp when it starts to grow in.
It might be difficult to do around the temples and ears because he wears glasses, though I will keep it in mind. I am sure we will add more, but to at least have him be able to play a Biata it is good to know the minimum.

Thanks for all the help.
If he wears glasses you may be able to temporarily attach some to the frame of the glasses.
I have seen one person with glasses attach feathers to a wire frame (like super bendy stuff that twists easy) that just sort of sets on to the glasses and with a couple twists attach to the ear peices...Nice and easy to take on and off but looked pretty good as long as the wire is neutral color or the same as the glasses frame.
Hi, I'm a new player, having started this year and only attended three events. I have a question concerning the personality traits that the different Biata eye feather colors represent. Do the colors have to represent ALL of the traits outlined in the ARB, for instance Gray = neutrality, shy, passive, kind, or can it be more selective? I wanted to use black feathers for stubbornness but I don't feel that lawful is necessarily complementary to a stubborn personality. Thanks!
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There is always some leeway for your rp. But yes all attributes of a color of feather should be present in the person, but the interaction between other colors and your backstory/concept can easily sway who you are as one attribute becomes less dominant or another more so. But I would expect a black biata to be lawful in addition to stubborn. Think of it as he is stubborn when the laws he lives by are conflicted some how.
I can certainly see what you are getting at. Perhaps a better way to look at it would be "uncompromising" in their beliefs as compared to "lawful" which feels like a more legal connotation, following the laws of the land?
Yeah I suppose, I would think of it like D&D alignment. You can be lawful, IE follow a set of rules and like having clear guidelines to live by ect, but do not need to follow the law of the land if that is not one of the laws in your personal code.
Make your eyebrow colors fit your character's personality, not the other way around. The colors are guidelines more than strict rules.
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What I did for my biata is simply start with one color in the beginning and when you start playing your character and you learn your personality then you can have another color slowly grow in it also can really add fun to the role playing when you stretch out the growth through a event or two.