blacksmithing and celestial guilds


NEPA Staff
Seeking to join the Blacksmithing and celestial guilds of Barran.

If representatives of these guilds could speak with me by missive or in person I would very much like to talk to them.

My thanks

Grim Anvilstrike
There is a gentleman who visits these lands named Vox; perhaps you are familiar with him? He is, to my knowledge, the most recognizable and available of the Order of Celestial and Arcane Mysteries' ranks. Were I you, I would seek him out; if he cannot provide you the means to an entrance examination, I am certain he can direct you to someone who can.
In service,
Guild mistress,

Vox is a friend. I'll speak with him when I am able. Thank you very much for your assistance. It was a pleasure meeting you.

Grim, for the Brotherhood of the Anvil and Iron. You'll need to speak with the Guild Master as there are currently no officers for this guild.
Grim, please also have Vox contact me or Gaara as he is also looking into joining the celestial guild of Barran.
ok so i'll seek out folks and talk to them, then have some folks talk to other folks. will do!
Grim I see you have an interest in helping to stock the arms and armor of Barran. As of right now Myself and a gorb named Cullin I believe his name was are currently work with the brotherhood. I will be at the next gathering where if you are still wanting to join I or Cullin could administer the exam for entrance.
I will see you then.

I will be arriving later than expected this upcoming gather. However, on the mid-day of Saturday I will be found inside the guild hall. Please come to me to receive information regarding the trials that must be accomplished to enter the Celestial Guilds of Barran.

For those of you that have not met me, I am one the Stone Elf of tall height and I bear chain armor with a pattern on it.