Blood Tears



Did anything come of the hunt for the cure for the Blood Tears?

After all, that's why we were so far away from home in the first place, right?
*As Johnathan speaks, a slight howling of nightmarish screams can be heard in the distance. His voice phases in and out, his message seems to take much concentration on his part.*

That is one of the reasons we were there, yes... We were also in the area to help the Calinas Tribe with thier curse, which has been lifted.

As for Blood Tears: yes, we have made headway on it and will continue to make headway on it.

Lieutenant Johnathan Lancaster
Ducal Guard
Please update me...

Maybe I could help if I knew what was going on?

What headway has been made so far?

And what else needs to be done to rid the land of this scourge?
*Like before, Johnathan's voice can be heard admist the faint wailings of tormented screams, and the dream becomes more dark and foreboding. The clarity of his message wavers much more erratically than before, as well as the distinct presence of pain behind his voice.*

Elendil... please speak to me... in person...

Too difficult... to speak... in this realm...


*as Johnathan ends his message, the dream returns to its normalcy*