"Break Immunity" and Magic Items


Chicago Staff
First question. Under Break in 2.1 Final Rules update, "Magic Items, Components, and Ritual Scrolls are immune to the Break effect."

¿Does this language update "Break Immunity" for Magic Items thus removing the previous carve-outs for Enchant and Store Ability?

Second question: ¿does the -new- Render Indestructible Ritual ("Render Indestructible Improved is renamed Render Indestructible and provides a 1/LP Resist Shatter") confer Break Immunity to the affected item?

Thank you.
Any item with ritual effects on it is immune to break. Any item with ritual effects on it takes shatter as a break.

Enchant, Store Ability, and Render Indestructible are all ritual effects.

(Alexander was correct. ;))
I make it a habit to always agree with him when he's correct :cool: