Character Sheets


I think I may have missed it but is there a way to view our character sheets online some where?
I am trying to figure out how many additional build I have and how to allocate.

If I go by the sheets I have and e-mails I sent to logistics and by the rules in the book My numbers don't seem to jive. so I think I am calculating things wrong.

Thanks for any help.

James "Grimshaw" Ferguson
Just use the email for stuff like this. Nick or myself respond in 48 hours typically. Sometimes a bit longer. There is currently no way to view sheets online besides our emailing it to you.
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Was there a database that was in the works?
There's an online character sheet tool on the forums but not all chapters have it set up (including Chicago) and I've gotten the impression it takes a decent amount of extra work on the part of the logistics staff. SoMN uses it but it only gets updated every few months.