Chickens and naps

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Kai putters about in the Lux. Her first stop is feeding and watering the chickens, petting them and calling each of them by name. She inspects them for any signs of illness or injury, before scooping out the chicken droppings. She takes the tiny amount of waste over to the compost bin she's set up beside one of the tanneries, where no one is likely to notice the smell. She mixes in wood chips, straw, a few veggie ends that the chickens weren't interested in, and some water, turning it with a long fork until it has no smell, and has the right consistency. "Maybe when this is done I'll offer it to Segert for the Forrest. Or ask Evo if I can start a garden by his house; as soon as the snow is gone we should plant some peas, and they can climb up the back wall."

Once the chicken duties are done, she goes to her potions workshop. She hangs her usual note on the door; Do not disturb. Potion making in progress and locks the door behind her. It's half as likely she will end up taking a nap in her workshop at some point today, but it seems a little superfluous to bother writing that on her sign as well.
Kai leaves her workshop and removes the door sign. Her nap was longer than anticipated, and bits of her fur are stuck up at odd angels. She yawns, and sets to work on her chicken chores. After that, she heads into the tavern.
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