Clutching Pearls

Alliance Chicago

Chicago Staff
Greetings Unbounded.

I have been tasked with the acquisition of unblemished pearls from the blight. The immediate blighted area around Rathfall is relatively temperate and dry. This is not conducive to the creation of pearls or any pearl-creating organisms. I recall from your past tales of heroics that you previously visited an unknown area of the Blight that was swamp-like in nature, and had a settlement nearby called “Bucket’s End” via some kind of portal. I believe that with my expertise in mist portals I can locate and temporarily open this portal again. It is my understanding some of you have items specifically tied to this portal, some kind of token, I believe. Using these as a conduit, one Unbounded will be able to traverse the mists out of this mistsphere and return to the portal in question. Return trips may also be available, however this is entirely theoretical and untested.

I will be seeking volunteers after lunchtime on Remembrance Day, Quadrix 10th.

- Mistweaver Bizzyfang Tenor-RYZE
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