
Colorado Staff



Hunter Davion

ha ha ha ha ha. You should also meet MY friends. Come after me, really? I thought you ran away and 'quit' adventuring silly little elf... I'll eat you anyways.

- Coatl
SoMN plot staff
Coatl, you and I have yet to meet, but when we do, I shall stand by Davion and any who wish to fight you, and I shall send you out of your worthless, corrupted existence. Know now that your doom is at hand.

-Thorgrim Stoneaxe

You'll see me one last time, when your need is great, but after that, I will be gone.

Hunter Davion
You're concern in this matter amuses me silly elf. I'll make sure you die personally. Don't worry, you'll be in good company.

- Coatl
You're right, he will be in good company. He's not fighting you alone, Coatl. Don't you dare think for a moment anyone is going to let you get away with what happened this last market day.

Although all these vord are vine and vell, and the town rattling itz zabres. Vhich iz good, vut let us all remember it iz deeds that carry the day. Words will not purge the corrupt deztroy nodez or make the people zafe.

Hear thiz Coatl I swear by the power of the zands and the blood of my people I vill cry tearz of blood till the day you meet your permanant death.

May the light guide you and the shadow gaurd your path,

Brother to a murdered sister and battle healer,
Kitaruen Kopanari
Here you all go again, needlessly provoking dangerous creatures.

I provoke notting couzin, I never do, they provoke me in thiz caze.

Brother to a murdered sister and battle healer

Kitaruen Kopanari
I know people are upset and everything, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to stick enough poison into the big bird before it got me, I'll keep trying cause I think maybe I'm getting a little better. I wish I was stronger, or had more curses or something, that would make things easier, anyway I don't see the point in getting mad at the corrupt any more then you might be mad at a flood, or landslide, or drought.

The corrupt are just puppets that someone is pulling the strings of right? What does it matter if one of the puppet shakes it's fist and says a few mean words? I don't think we should allow set backs to cloud our thinking, that seems like what I would want to do if I was the puppet master, have folks be really worried about a few loud mouth puppets while the rest of them keep working on other things.

Anyway, I'm sorry I wasn't much help, I tried to curse the Coatl again, but I'm no good at them cause they never land right, I did sink a dozen or so arrows into him, but I don't think I did enough for any of the coatings to get into his blood.

Kitaruen...if this is really a family thing...I guess I'll help all I can, you just let me know when....I'll start working on more coatings for next time.
