Components, and Circles of the Grasslands

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
To any that hears my words,

With my current ritual castings planned, I find myself in need of a few samples of the ritual component commonly referred to as "Wand", which usually takes the form of tree bark or wood that has been imbued with palpable magic. I require two to four of them in total, so if you have any of these mystic twigs, even if you have just one you're willing to sell, contact me and we can come to an arrangement.

On the subject of rituals, I ask a question to the people of the Grasslands: Would I be "stepping on someone's toes", as it were, if I were to build a 5-day Circle of Power within which to cast a few rituals, or am I free do so, as long as it is placed in a non-disruptive or non-inconveniencing place? Or is there someone's permission I must be granted before doing so?

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
The Order of Shadow's Light
Celestial Guildsman of Gaden
I wish to learn Celestial Magic. Could I talk you into letting me watch you cast your rituals and your circles?

-Skye Nevermore

Such a thing would be most welcome, though these are my first rituals, and therefore may not be as "grand" as some other casters. Also, if none of my apprentices wish to learn any new tier of magic from me at the gathering, perhaps I could teach you the fundamentals of Celestial casting, if you so wish. Have you any prior skill with the Celestial arts, such as being able to read scrolls or perhaps even cast from the first tier?

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft

I am at the most basic level as I am just beginning my adventuring. I would be very grateful to learn anything you would be willing to teach. As of now I cannot read scrolls, but I am hoping to be able to soon. I am not sure yet what I will be able to cast when we meet. Are there any celestial spells in particular that I should focus my attention on to start?

Gandian I will be sending you and your associate Arcanist Dure'dhel a private missive before this gathering of adventurers. I am quite excited to hear you will be casting some rituals and putting up a limited circle of power, I myself may find your circle useful.

I do not think the Sarr and Ogre populations in the region have any particular laws and/or restrictions regarding the creation of a temporary 5 day Celestial circle of power. Just be sure you aren't putting it on anyone's grandfather's grave of whatnot!

- Sorcerer Oliver of the Royal Celestial Guild