Crafting and things


Um, I've already promised almost all my effort for the first day already but, um does anyone need some scrolls?

I also still have a pile of Renew body potions for sale if anyone wants some of those, they cost the same as a cure wounds potions, which is two silver, but work on just about anything.

I would love some scrolls Jehyu, would you be able to make me some Lightning of Ice bolt scrolls?

- Ilana
Sure, Lightning bolts are 2 silvers, Ice bolts are 3 silvers, I could make I think 10 lightning bolts or 6 Ice bolts. I also have plenty of Flame bolts that have been sitting around for ever.

What would ya likes?

Would you be able to make me 3 each of ice and lightning? And how much are the dragon's breath?
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How much for 5 cure light wounds. Potion or alchemy, me no care.


I'll make ya some Elixirs, I've been practicing my Alchemy so I can do those and Foss's order for enslavement antidotes.


Sure I can do that, that would be 1.5 Golds, Dragons breaths are 8 silvers each, I could make up to 2 of those if you want them.

I would gladly take 2 of your extra dragon's breath scrolls off your hands Jehyu. When can I meet with you to make the purchase?
