Crafting next time.


So um, I'm starting to look at what people might want next marketday so I can plan and stuff, so here is what I'm thinking.

Blacksmithing - I'm making some arrows, but I could do a lot more with Blacksmithing yet, anyone need a strengthen maybe? People often ask but I never seem to actually do it cause it is expensive and takes up a lot of time.

Alchemy and Potions

- So I think there are enough cure light potions in town at the moment, most people seemed to not need any, and the Foss guy with the pretty assistant made a lot more than I can at a time, so I need to know what else people might want.

For Alchemy, I'm gonna make a couple of enslavement antidotes, cause Fern and Killet both wanted some, anyone else need anything? I think those two will take up most of my alchemy.

For Potions...I'm gonna me making about a half dozen endows, and probably at least ten cure wounds for clients, then um, I guess a Purify or something. If anyone needs anything else please let me know, I can make a few Purifies for 2 gold a piece yet on top of everything if you want, but I don't have any extra.

For Scrolls, I'm making Destroys and Shatters, or whatever Durel'del tells me, because those are the ones people always seem happy to buy at the usual price.

Speaking of, some people seem happy with my prices, and some people told me I charge to much (so I loved my prices for them, but won't make spell shields for awhile I guess) I mostly charge just a little bit over what it takes me to make stuff, cause I have to make two batches of everything to kinda come close to keeping up with what people want, but if it's really a problem or people are upset I guess I could craft stuff slower and more carefully and drop the prices some, but then I won't be able to make as much and i really like making lots of stuff so plenty of people can get stuff.

Okay I can do that, does someone else want one too? I usually like to batch at least once, so it would be good if someone else wanted to have one on hand.

I wouldn't mind having one on hand if you need to batch them together. How much do they cost?

Enslavement antidotes are 1 one gold each, is that okay with everyone?

So um, it's getting close to the day, and I got lots of scroll making open, could make a few other potions and some alchemy yet, and couple make or strengthen a weapon with blacksmithing, anyone else have an order?


I have an idea in mind, and if my idea pans out, I will wish to purchase a few Disarm and Stone Bolt scrolls (perhaps 5 of each, if possible). So if nobody else needs scrolls, I would like to purchase those from you. Name your price.

Also, this endeavor I am planning would be something I would ideally like to involve a scrollmaker like yourself in. I assure you that the endeavor is quite safe, with a minimal chance of any harm whatsoever befalling you. Contact me privately if you may be interested in assisting me with something bizarrely scroll-related.

May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft