Crafting Stuff


Like usual I'll be making stuff, I think I'm pretty full on blacksmithing, although I might be able to slip in an item or two cause I've gotten a lot better on making stuff that way, I've almost got the trick down to fix armor super fast, I think I'll have it down before next week.

So um...

Did anyone need some Potions, or Alchemy, or scrolls or anything like that?



I believe there was a matter of some scrolls you were going to have made for me…

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Uranian Journeyman of the Celestial Guild of Wayside
Dearest Jehyu,

Tis been a while since I have purchased a stock of cure potions from you. I could use several Cure Light, Cure Wounds and maybe some Cure Serious. What would you have available and please remind me of your prices.

I look forward to seeing you this coming market day.



I could definitely use 10 Cure Light Elixirs if you have the alchemy free.

Yeah I ken do those, I usually charge 1 silvers for cure lights and um...4 silvers for cure serious potions, I'll look and see what I got on hand too, maybe I still have some floating around I haven't sold.
