Crafting Things and stuff and such...


Um, so I've been working real hard to get things set up in the workshops and stuff that Fern said I could use if I didn't burn everything down, and um, there was only the one fire so far and I already built a new chair and table so that'll probably be okay, and I thought maybe, if anyone needs things or something I could make you some. Fern says I can use the supplies here, but I have to replace them, so I gotta charge some coins for things I make.

Blacksmithing - I think Fern's special project is gonna take all my time, it's really complicated, but I think I got it figured out...maybe...the solution involves thicker gloves and a longer gripping thing.

Alchemy - I'm getting pretty good at this um, I think I'm gonna make some coatings for Briar to use, and maybe put some on arrows if I got extras, I could maybe make some um potions of glowing lights, or ums, maybe some party potions, or get you ups if someone wants some.

Scroll making - This is really, really hard, I've been burning my fingers all weak, but um, if no one wants anything special I was thinking of making some get away from that guy, scrolls, I forget the name but they work...mostly...some of the time. If anyone needs something special I could probably make something else.

Potions - um, okay so I got taught how to do these, and I'm pretty sure I've got it down, but um, I haven't tested them yet because I'm not sure and Lana always said that you should never test a new creation alone. But I could try to do some pick you ups or makes you stronger potions or something if you wanna take a chance.

Um...that's it mostly, I've been sewing some neat pouches too, but they are hand stitched and cost a good chunk of money, Fern said something about not flooding the market and said I shouldn't sell them for too little. I'm not sure how too many pouches make your feet wet but he's a pretty smart guy and they do take a long time to sew and stuff.

I also made a new game, so maybe after we are all done congratulating the potion tester on not exploding...I hope...we could play some, it's pretty easy to learn!

-Jehyu Armorsmith
Gorka want Pick um Up Potions. Tell Gorka how much materials cost then Gorka give you more then that.

You tell Gorka when you get practiced enough to make Purify potions, those are the ones that make all the commands and poisons and alterations go away.

Gorka glad to see you again.

It's ok if you're not very good at things, yet, Jehyu. Keep trying new things... eventually you'll find something you can do well. Even I started off from small steps, although I can't imagine that you'll ever live long enough to be as great as an elf, even a less manly elf, like Gandian, would be hard to measure up to.

Hunter Davion
Now Davion, just because other races don't have the longevity as Elves that doesn't mean they can't reach true greatness. Who knows, perhaps Jehyu will grow exponentially in both Blacksmithing and Alchemy and maybe, just maybe surpass both you and Thorador. I'd be on the lookout for Jehyu in the coming years, there is much potential.

I know I'd be interested in acquiring some potions from him as well in the near future. I look forward to meeting you next weekend...I've only heard tales of your amazing race with Durl.

- Asher
I dunno, I think Gandian is taller then you, Davion, so wouldn't that make it hard for you to measure up to him?

~Brother Icey
I, I'm not ever gonna be better then a real crafter guy, but I like ta help when I can, and usually my stuff doesn't fall apart too badly. Maybe if I practice hard I could help Thorador, or Davion someday? I'll make sure to make as many pick em up potions as I can, they seem to be really popular!

As to that race, it doesn't count, everyone knows, that if you race to the other side of the lake, you are suppose to run around the edge, not swim through the middle!

I would be willing to purchase some scrolls from you, I recently burned through a large amount and would like to replenish my stock. If you have any time available to craft some, I encourage you to contact me.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
um, I can make some, not to many yet, what kinda scrolls do you want?
