Denver specific Racial Packets?


Colorado Staff
Some friends of mine plan to come PC from out of town this year and so I'll probably PC with them. I was wondering if Denver has local racial packets that I can look at? Also, are any races just a "pain" to play... like it looks like Barbarians might be treated as less than human in Denver?
Thank you,
Since we are a new chapter, many of the Denver specific race packets have only been released to players with those races on file. There are some things better left to the role-play development in the in game world to find out by interacting with members of that race. In time, we will do a slow, gradual release as more info about races get out. Barbarians are actually a growing race here! "Pain to play" is all about perspective... and preference. I played a dark elf as my secondary... the makeup was a pain but it was worth the RP! If you have any other questions, please shoot them to or if they are plot and race related or character history related:

Hope to see you guys soon!
Everything is less than Human, or less than the Nobility in Acarthia. It's not just one race, its all non humans.

That's being changed tho. But nothing is a "Pain" so to speak. Plenty of everything but Biata, Orcs, and Ogres to hang out with if the racists get problematic.
They aren't less than on a legal level.... But definitely on a cultural level. Humans are the majority, the dominant group, and the ones in power. The non humans are citizens and have technically equal rights though there's marginalization, discrimination, and plenty of stereotyping.
Another opinion:

First off: The kingdom is run by, and favors Humans, and racial bias is prevalent across PC and NPC interactions.

Elsewhere, Barbarians, Gypsies, Hoblings, Elves, Mystic Wood Elves, and pretty much anything that resembles humans are generally fine.

Sarr and Dryads generally have a positive reputation, but their mindset is often alien enough to the humans to set them apart.

Wylderkin tend to get a little more flack than most, but that's generally changing as the population grows and several are on the nobility track.

High Ogres, High Orcs have specific issues that will affect play negatively - the current political landscape is very anti- Low Orc and Low Ogre, which tends to bleed into the High races somewhat, though recent games have seen this distinction widen. Also, no High Ogres or High Orcs have been PC'ed to my knowledge at this point.

Stone Elves and Biata: both these races suffer from in-game prejudice from various groups for various reasons. Attempting to play these races will be challenging, but I encourage people interested in these races to play them - just be aware that some interactions will be hostile through no fault of your own.

Make a character of every race you think you might want to play, get them uploaded to the database, get the local packets for the ones that exist, and read them before settling on one concept. The local packets are pretty interesting, you will definitely want to read them before settleing on any given character tho since theres a lot of local content to mess with and/or be mindful of depending on what you want.

But no, there arent really any races that are a super pain to play- stone elves really only have true conflict with ONE group of PCs in the game, and Biata just kinda suck because they are biata... otherwise you'll probably be A-ok with wahtever.
But no, there arent really any races that are a super pain to play- stone elves really only have true conflict with ONE group of PCs in the game, and Biata just kinda suck because they are biata... otherwise you'll probably be A-ok with wahtever.

Having played a stone elf, I would argue that stone elves are a pain to play for other reasons that aren't because of the surrounding culture. They have some of the hardest RP requirements–they warn you about them in the book, but they are really challenging to pull off for two days straight–in the game as well as high makeup requirements.
Well yes- but Im only talking about local social stuff/cultural stuff. As in- yeah they are stone elves, yeah they are a roleplay challenge, but not any more than anywhere else. Makeup is obviously a pain in the ***- but thats the same everywhere too : ) (since he was asking on the basis of are there any races that are an especially big challenge to play in Denver, in specific.) please larp gods send us a group of highorcs/ogre PCs. Please do that.
Thank you all. I'm an experienced Alliance player, so I'm aware of the standard barriers to playing different races. I just wanted to know if there's any extra baggage with any races for Denver. Sorry to ruin you hopes, but I can't meet the tusk requirement for orcs/ogres, so I won't be playing one. I may just go human, because I tend to focus a lot on my equipment and cabin decoration, which is a lot of work in of itself, and there's only so much time for setting things up. Although I might mix things up and try and just focus entirely on my costuming for once.
-wich would be a worthwhile use of time since we're really-really into the costuming in this chapter. And honestly the game could use more humans too anyway given we are supposed to be in parimarily human lands... but we have like a billion MWE and Wylderkin.
: )
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MWEs breed like rabbits in Denver!
So, I'm late to the party on this one, but I would like to add a clarification on the point of racism:

The IG kingdom of Acarthia is human-dominant, yes, but the PC population has a wide variety of races, including multiple non-human nobles, and thus, while there's plenty of racism of various kinds, it is A) Not targeted towards non-humans from a PC perspective as well as most of the major PNPCs, and B) Not going to get you killed or outright ostracized by the player populace at large. Yes, some of the NPC population of Acarthia may be pro-human-only, but not the PCs.
I can absolutely say I have encountered Racism from the other PCs, and witnessed it done to other PCs (Even Mac's).

I can also say there's been major NPCs that have been perceived as racists as well.

But, it makes for good RP. Don't let it discourage you, think of it as an RP opportunity and challenge.
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I can absolutely say I have performed racist acts on other PCs and witnessed myself doing it to other PCs (probably even Mac's).
Oh, assuredly; however, the point I'm trying to make is that your initial response, Porch, makes it sound like all the PCs and all the NPCs are super anti-non-human. I was trying to add clarity and specificity rather than making it sound as though all of our players would flip the bird to a non-noble non-human; we are a very welcoming group overall.
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As a theme setting, that is what has been put out. Humans are the dominant race, and the Nobility is the dominant authority. I encountered and saw racism and class-ism every event, and quite regularly on a few events.

If you got that I mean that every PC and NPC commits to that harshly from what I said, that is definitely not what I meant and takes my statement as pretty extreme :)
As a theme setting, that is what has been put out. Humans are the dominant race, and the Nobility is the dominant authority.

The important piece here is context. The above statement is accurate, and has been gleaned from your and my experiences in-play. To someone just coming to these forums and reading your initial response, someone without the context of the playerbase and the game itself, your initial comment paints a very different image and may reflect poorly on our game for those interested in joining. Thus, my desire for clarity.
Setting honest expectations of social goings on is key in my experience. Hence the "Nothing is a pain" "if the racists get problematic" follow up. I'd hate for someone to come by and encounter it, and be like "WTF? Why do they hate me?" when its not personal, just the theme of the game right now. Same thing with Camarilla and Catiff. Play a Catiff you will encounter prejudice sooner or later. Have that expectation, its not so bad. Play a non human non noble, you will eventually encounter Racism and Class-ism. Have that expectation, its not so bad. If anything? It's enjoyable and creates RP.

It's not a bad thing, and the PCs and NPCs are working to change that atmosphere for the better. If you as Darius haven't encountered it, I'm jelly of your blessed existence :)
PCs= Characters. Not players. Pcs can do anything they want and its like whatever- thas Ic and it is what it is. If he said that PLAYERS in the game were doing those things, that it would be a problem. Be he didnt.

Noone was confused or painting a negative picture of anything. Its a good game with a variety of different social challenges and viewpoints IC, whatevs : )
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