Direction of Aid and request of the Nobles


I Dolarth caretaker extraordinaire wish to render aid to those recently revived as our successful efforts durings our times at the in-betweens.

I would like to offer to establish and work an orphanage camp for the younglins that are displaced and potentially without a parent or guardian.

Is this appropriate or authorized by the nobility? Is there more pressing demands for aid? I do not want to reinvent the wheels so if I should focus more on something else let me know. Otherwise I do my best work helping wee ones when not fighting. just not the wee wee ones... babies are too smol for my hands and I get nervous i might loose them or drop ems.

Thank you for all the direction provideds me.

-Dolarth Sarzig
Hi Dolarth! I'm Silp!

You should get ahold of Grimshaw! He's a good adventurer that runs Harvus' Hope, an orphanage program that takes care of orphan kids and gets them in the right places so that their lives don't suck as much! I'm sure you'd accomplish a lot if you worked together with him on this, and I'm sure Grimshaw would love to have you join orphan-helpin' forces with him!

~ Silp
Thank yous Slip! I will look for this Grimshaw and sees how I can best help!

If he hears you talking about wantin' to help orphans here, he'll probably reach out to you first! But if he doesn't, he's a tall, strong, gentle-but-still-fierce guy with a hawk painted on his armor, so you'll be able to find him pretty easy when he's in town! Or you can just ask around for Grimshaw, and I'm sure folks'll point you to him!

- Silp
Hello again Dolarth,

Housefather Grimshaw is a Company member that runs several orphanages around Wayside. In addition, I'm organizing the Princess' birthday party again, which is a fundraiser to help with the refugees coming from the war, including displaced children. Any and all offered assistance is welcomed.