Downtimes for November - January


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Is mine ok or do I need to come up with something else?
Is mine ok or do I need to come up with something else?

Your downtime is great, Sir. I think you'll like what we end up coming up for it.
That's Plotese for "you're taking a death or seven".
Hey as long as I go out making the whole town cry I think I'd be ok with that. :P

Also thanks Adam I can't wait! :)
That is the most badass and right attitude I've heard!
Want to make sure that you got my downtime. i wrote it quite a while ago, and i wanted to check.

Unfortunately, I don't recognize your forum handle, so I can't say whether or not we've received your downtime. If you could share your name, or your character name (either PM or email too, is fine, if you'd rather not post it here), then I can let you know one way or another.

A quick note for everyone:
Downtimes will be going out tomorrow morning circa noon. New job, up early and all that. Big sorry for the delay. :(

Facebook isn't working for me at the moment, so if you see this, please pass this info along.

Many thanks,