Downtimes: May - September 2014


Hello everyone!

Our next event is quickly approaching and we wanted to remind everyone to get their character downtimes in! We have already received some, and there's still time to get yours in if you haven't already (or alter actions, that's cool too).

A Brief Summary That Applies to Everyone:
For most of the summer, Adventures who were in / around the lands of this chapter are "stuck" on the island of Portos (the location of a couple weekend events) due to exceptionally poor weather which caused many ships to be destroyed and several resurrections of locals.

This problem was ultimately resolved by a few stalwart adventurers a couple of weeks ago on a small island called "Prince Dakkar Island" (site of our summer gameday). There, the adventurers encountered some new enemies, made a few new friends, and ultimately assisted in helping a beleaguered Ice Elemental Icon which in turn ended the effective blockade of the Sedovia.

If you'd like specific information on what happened on Prince Dakkar Island, it is publicly known that Lithae, Little, Luke, and Roan traveled to the island on a ship hired by Dame Llane to investigate the goings-on there. There was another character there, but you'll have to find out who from those four people, or the character themselves.

For reasons yet unknown, however, the government of Sedovia has pushed back the arrival of their allies form the Golden Horn (and beyond) to the last weekend of September.

Please see this post for more details.

Things To Keep In Mind:
--Everyone will be arriving by boat to the Sedovian town of Foxbridge at the same time; Friday evening of our event (or later). We will have an opening module that all characters arriving for the first time will be required to go through.
--You may charter your own boat, ride with another PC on a PC's boat, or travel with the main Golden Horn ship group. Either way, you'll be arriving Friday evening (or later).
--We've received some downtimes already in which people are saying goodbye to their friends on the Golden Horn, which is great! Please keep in mind that you have 24 hours after Game Off of our May event to do so. That being said, we are willing to fudge some travel times in order to allow you to say goodbye and give you opportunities to end those stories for your character, but please keep things as reasonable as you can. This might mean your character will travel through the vault to cover great distances, get sucked up by The Mists and spit out on Portos, or other things that your character might otherwise not do.
--The Vault will be unavailable to players on Portos. It has effectively ceased to exist since the mists closed The Golden Horn off.
--Given the current in-game situation, most information about Sedovia that you receive may be a little out of date given the issues with traveling.
--Traveling with the adventurers from the Golden Horn: Two Taneryn Military squads: the Greylighters and the Jade Daggers, along with Matron Gyr and Dame Llane, Knight to his Grace Duke Mennal, of Sedovia.

I realize that the deadline is super-short notice, and I apologize for that. We've been very busy fleshing out a whole new land/world for you all to play in, interact with, and hopefully enjoy.

What: Downtime Deadline
Deadline: Sept 13, 2014 this Friday.
Why: If you want your character to interact with the world or its characters between games!
Suggested Subject: <Character Name> Downtime, September 2014

We will have them returned to folks by 23:59 on Monday, September 22, 2014!

Please see: for further details!

OR Plot