Dyads, Mold, and Spiders?


Gorka notice many many more spiders coming into town this spring. Gorka want know this normal? Gorka noticed two diffrent looking types of spiders, grey and black.

Gorka wonder if bad mold affecting Wipvine's clan connected? Or maybe not.

Mold start 6 months ago, be fall.

Any one find out more, have Idea what to try to fix it?

Healer of the Gaden Earth Guild

I have never seen spiders like those before. They don't exist where I was from. They took me completely by surprise and I have found that I don't like big spiders anymore than the little ones. Eeww.

-Skye Nevermore

If you wish to assist me in my research at the Earth Guild, I would greatly appreciate your help in finding reference to a blight of this magnitude before. If this began in October, perhaps something then can be linked to this. All I know is that further study is needed, and I'll need all the help I can get. I'll be either at the Earth Guild or Wipvine's tree if you should need me.

Enya and Gabe,

I hope to have samples of the fungus sent to you soon. They will be sent by my Kobold students. Please treat them with the respect you would me.

Together we can find a way to help my people, and I appreciate all those who are willing to lend their aid.

- The Dryad Asher
Asher, I will assist you as well. I'll send you a letter shortly, please respond as soon as possible.

~Brother Icey
Greetings friends,

I was able to speak at length with Ambassador Whipvine during his visit to the Inn. He stated, when asked, that about 25% of his people had been affected by the affliction. Mostly the young and the elderly. He also stated that it first appeared about 7 months ago. When asked if anything else had changed about that same time he pondered but could think of nothing else. He described it as a tide of fungus that seemed to start out small but now would threaten all of his people.

Asher, based on the ability of your kind to move through trees, is it possible that something was contracted in this manner? Might this entail finding where the people of his tribe have recently - say about 7 months ago - traveled to?

I am just throwing out hypotheticals but if the blight was contracted and or spread by tree walking, then please be careful as to who you travel with. Your insight would be greatly appreciated on this and any other theories or facts.

Squire Victor

That same hypothesis is indeed one I first came too when Whipvine told me about the fungus. Fortunately, Enya and Whipvine were the only Dryads I tree walked with, and both were not affected. It's strange though...

Regardless, I hope to find out more in my time with them and the Earth Guild. If I can't find something, I only hope the others can.

Goodman Asher,
I have the samples, and your..student was wise enough to keep his paws to himself, so we got along just fine. I have a battery of tests running as we speak, but nothing conclusive as of yet. I am both working on a cure for this blight as well as the possibly of an inoculation, like in the same manner that a hobling resists poison, only in this case, not conferred by right of birth but alchemic injection or ingestion. I will sent you a full missive with all of my findings on the next market-day, when my lab is ready to be moved, and all my tests have run their course.

~Gabriel Di Greoni