Emperor, I Beseech you!


My Emperor,

My thanks for opening your portal while the ground in the province began to shake. As minister of the Gilded Stairs I did all I could to ensure that your people made it through the portal in safety and we thank you for your care at all times.

I humbly request you forgive my impertinence and my inability to provide in this situation but I have always been a keeper of the stairs and have glorified in my service to the great world you provide for us. In your service I have led some four hundred through the portal when it appeared and now find ourselves in a barren landscape, so we must be within Province 5.

We have found ourselves immediately engaged against strange, dark skinned humanoids, some wielding magics we have not seen. They have swarmed around us and probe our defense constantly. Already no small amount of our numbers have fallen.

We have been cut from your magic o' ruler of the world, no doubt due to our lack of skill and understanding of your great arts. We survive now only on the chains of station, and weapons of history that we brought along with our numbers.

Please my Emperor, I beseech you in the name of your people, send your magics to aid us, send one of your mighty lions to save your people from destruction as you have always done so we may begin rejoicing in yet one more of your mighty acts!


Minister of the Gilded Stairs.
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Loyal Minister of the Gilded Stairs,

You are not on Province V, but an unfortunate place in Province VI. Tell your people to stay strong. Help is on the way.

~Talitha Vashti,
Champion of Lightning
Minister of Gilded Stairs,

It is true you are not within Province 5, but that of what you know as Province VI, that of Fortanis. My comrades got out of Province I in time and came out safely. I am sorry to hear where you landed, and know that help is coming. Can you describe more of the landscapes of your location. Are there any rivers, mountains, etc? You are fighting an enemy called the Corrupt. Their numbers infinite, but should you strike their black obelisk with enough weapon force to shatter it a few times you will cease their advance if only for enough time to collect yourselves.

Your best hope is to travel North West. Keep your weapons sharp, and your spirits high, for know that help is on it's way!

- Druid of Serenity Among Discord
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I have not seen any black obelisk, and movement is impossible as we are surrounded and assaulted constantly by these creatures.

It matters not that this is not a province of the empire, we know the Emperor will send a mighty lion to protect us and any delay in his arrival only serves to give us time to prove our dedication to serving him. We will continue to hold the line, although we have lost some three dozen and our magics are quickly expiring we will not bring shame to the loyal houses of those in the Gilded stairs by doing anything less than stand as any true citizens would until the Emperor reaches out his hand to rescue us.

-Minister of the Gilded Stairs

We need more details if we are to help you.

These creatures that you are facing, can you please give a more detailed discription?
Do they look like large insectoids, spit poison on their claws, and get stronger with each wave?
Do they speak to each other and communicate at all or lumber around attacking in unity?
Do they come from a cave or woods or water or something else?
How far can you see?
Is vision hampered by fog or darkness?
Does the sun shine in the sky?
Can you see stars in the night sky?
Are there trees?
Do these dark skinned humanoids have green skin, or black, or metalic carapase?
Do they have pointed ears or tusks or no ears at all?
Are they lead by anything or anyone different in size or discription?

Anything and everything you can tell us will help us to locate you.

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor von Gryphon
I have little time to dream,

as to the creatures, they are mostly black, with arcane marks of various colors. The large ones seems to be constructs of some type and have many abilities. We've seen modules focused on healing the others, some throw magics almost as great as the emperor's. Such spells that shatter a spirit, or unravel magics. They have not said a word, and the area we are in looks to have once been a forest, but the remains of the trees hold no life and the ground itself seems drained of life. They are coming from all directions and seem to work together in a near-perfect unity. We can see the sun and stars and have no leader that we can see.

Another ten have fallen and the creatures that are now leading the attacks seem well suited to resisting our abilities to fight. The most concerning is that we've seen a number of these creatures standing still as a statue doing nothing but watching our efforts. If you are able to get to us, I am sure that the emperor will consider any request for citizenship kindly.

-Minister of the Gilded Stairs
The emperor's lions are not coming,

We've lost nearly a third of our number and have had the ultimate betrayal revealed to us. As more and more of our number fell this night, finally one man pulled out a slipstone of unusual quality restoring the spent magic in our few items. It has all become clear, we are here for punishment. The emperor knew of this crime, and he knew that the neighbors of this man had failed in their duty to catch his crime. The thief has been dealt with, and these creatures still press in on us. The withholding of a slipstone from his majesty is an unthinkable act, and to be honest, many of those here have been disheartened by the betrayal.

We.....I have failed our emperor and our lives are justly forfeit because of this, hopeful we can at least make our final stand one that honors him. If the most loyal of all houses, those that live on the Gilded Stairs, could have allowed something like this to occur, then we can only honor the wisdom of the ruler of all things and face our end as any loyal citizen should.

-Minister of the Gilded Stairs

You are not here for punishment. You are not here due to the with-holdings of another man. You are here to represent your people! Out of all the people the Emperor chose to flee to safety, he chose you 400. Now, you 266 remaining have shown that you will not give up wave after wave of these creatures; so why start now? For I swore an oath to the Emperor. He showed concern for those going through the portal and I told him, I looked him in the eye, knelt down beside him and told him with true conviction that I, Asher, Druid of Serenity Amongst Discord would save his people. I swore an oath to him that I would do what I can to protect his citizens.

I keep my oaths.

Stay true, and stay alert. Help is indeed coming. I swore that oath to him, and I am coming, amongst others. To give up now would be to show the Emperor that you were never worthy to be his Minister. To give up now would show that you did not have what it took to become a citizen. Keep fighting. Keep living. For your cries have been answered.

- Druid of Serenity Among Discord
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I do not know how many of you are left, but there is hope. I don't know what, or who you'd be walking into, and it would cost lives, but it would save the majority from annihilation. There is an area, 3 miles West of your current location. I do not know what lies there, but I know that the Corrupt do not have power there. Live on. I do not know when help shall come, but for now, that is your best hope.

-Druid of Serenity Among Discord

To the Imperials - I say move to the clearing with all possible haste, and give them a fight they will never forget.
By driving your weapons deep into the territory of the Corrupt you bring yourselves honor.
By dreaming of what you see therein, you arm us with your vengeance.

To the Corrupt - I say that you have no honor.
Your fall from the light into a twisted path of darkness and evil knows no bounds.
I promise you this; your path will know my justice and I will be your undoing.

Walk with Honor,
Squire Victor von Gryphon
Druid of Serenity Among Discord,

We will be guided by your words, at least...it is a direction to fight towards, this is the last sleep I will likely get for many days for when I awake we will take all we have and drive towards the west. The renewed magics from the slipstone's eruption have given us at least a chance to fight again with renewed prowess. We have split those that remain into two dozen groups of ten, with a few messengers from the remainder and have adapted, somewhat, to the strategies of our foes.

I will take these people and solve your mystery if I possible, and I can only beg that when you bring word of our findings to the emperor you remind him that our last efforts where in his service.

-Minister of the Gilded Stairs
Well, here we are after a bloody week, true to your words did the gentle slope of the blighted world begin climbing steeply to a mountain. It's harsh rocky top is foreboding, but at least after climbing aways we found a narrow pass as the only way up, and have made a makeshift camp here as best we can, gathering what little vegetation and fruit is available. These creatures still pursue us, and I'm not sure how long the remaining 160 of us can hold this place. If help is coming then we will do our best to hold for as long as possible. If not, do we dare risk a climb to the top of the mountain, the ground only looks to be less inviting the higher we go.

I seek your council, voices in the night, what can we do? Either choice is deadly, to hold or to explore, which would grant us more favor in the emperor's eyes? I am exhausted, at least for a little while, I can finally rest.

-Minister of the Gilded Stairs
Know that to continue to climb, to reach this spot will be your best hope. Enjoy what rest you have, but know that whatever space void of this threat exist, it is likely just ahead. Keep your spirits high, and your resolve true. You must not fail; your actions have the potential to save thousands, but you must remain true to the goal.

I wish you the best of luck Minister.

-Druid of Serenity Amongst Discord
Such....a bloody climb...that we would see two thirds of our number dwindle and be met with only a series of caverns...I don't understand, what is the purpose, there is no purpose! At least...food....finding the food was fortunate, but are we to live our days in squalor and subsistance? This cannot be were the road ends, the people of the Gilded Stairs look to me for guidance but I have none. Even the cursed beings continue to pursue us, although all the slower now, as long as the rocks and bolders hold out so will we, but what is the point?

The wind...it howls, taunting me and my failures.

My Emperor,

My Light and leader, creator of the foundations of the world,

I am sorry I could not be a worthier servant.

Perhaps I should admit that there is no more service I can do and fling myself into our foes, as I am no longer needed.

All that way...for this....I don't understand.

-The Minister of the Gilded Stairs

Again, do not lose hope, do not fall down the path of despair. You are close, I can feel it. Know that hope lies around the corner. You have fought hard, but do not give in to throwing your life away. Climb, soar, ascend the stairs of your journey. Know your task, your mission is favored by the Emperor. Continue to press onward, continue to keep that hope, and continue to believe in your mission. Know that you are the light of the Empire, you are that shining beacon that will illuminate hope for the future of the land.

- Druid of Serenity Amongst Discord
Thank you,


I felt them go...

As agreed....

As Promised.....

I will guard this road until you travel it once more, or until I no longer have the strength....

I entrust my charges to you, those that remain....

Get them home....keep them safe.....

Truly I am no longer the minister of the Gilded Stairs.....

I must rest now....and recover my strength as best I can....

The Emperor's Peace be with you and may his Lions guard your home.

- Wayne Loren,
Former Minister of the Gilded Stairs.