Empty Vials


Colorado Staff
It has come to my attention that having empty vials available for use by our potion makers and alchemists would greatly reduce their cost and burden, so I have taken it upon myself to introduce a method to reduce this burden.

I will at next market day be bringing a basket with a sign on it stating "Empty Vials Here".
People should put their empty and used vials into this basket so that they can be refilled.
Also if you have a potion or elixir that needs a vial you are welcome to take a vial from this basket.

Please remember to put your empty vials in this basket as it cuts down on the costs of everyone that needs vials, which are often a very expensive part of potions or elixirs.

Thank You,
With Honor Always,
Thorador Boulderfist

(OOG: Potion reps cost a lot of money over time, if we all work together we can cut down on this cost significantly.)