Resolved Errata: Permanent Duration and Spirit Lock on non-Item targets

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Good morning!

The third paragraph of Permanent Duration currently states:

Permanent Duration automatically grants a Spirit Lock Ritual when cast. This additional Spirit Lock does not count as a separate Ritual on the item, but is inherent in the Permanent Duration Ritual itself and may not be removed without also removing the Permanent Duration Ritual. If the Target of this Spirit Lock is not specified at the time of casting, it will attach itself to the first valid Target to touch the item after the Ritual is complete.

This implies that if, for example, you cast a Permanent Duration upon your spirit, you would then get a free Spirit Lock to the next thing you touch. That is distinctly not the intention.

To correct this, the first sentence of the paragraph above has been errata'd as follows (changes in bold):

Permanent Duration automatically grants a Spirit Lock Ritual when cast on an Item.

Existing scrolls need not be reprinted unless the sponsoring chapter chooses to do so, but Ritual Marshals should be aware of this errata and inform the Caster before they cast.

Bryan Gregory
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