Event offerings for the upcoming Gryphon Tournament


With the great assistance of Squire Victor Von Gryphon, I am proud to present the list of attractions and events for the upcoming Gryphon Tournament.

Each event will be available to participate in, however some will have conflicting schedules. Many include required notifications of participation prior to the event. Specific requirements and restrictions will be listed with the event.

Wolf Duel: A duel of skill and a matching of blades. Participants use selected weapons and combat style they are most skilled in. Duel lasts until one participant has struck five blows against the other participant. This duels is a sporting duel of precision and deflection, strength of blows do not determine the winner of a duel. Each participant must inform Tournament officials of desire to participate. Brackets formed randomly. Must be ready to duel when name is called for participation. Only martial skills allowed, not advanced techniques.

Archery Competition: A challenge of accuracy and prowess with bow or crossbow. Test your skills against Roskarian's best target beasts in this live competition. Each participant will be given ten arrows or bolts. Live targets will be released into the range for participants to take aim at. It is highly requested that participants refrain from killing the target animals. The participant with the most hits in the least time will be victorious. Each participant must inform Gryphon Tournament officials of their desire to participate. Bowman and women must be ready to shoot when their name is called. Some leeway allowed, however participation may be forfeit if not present within a reasonable amount of time.

Farmer's Throw: A simple challenge of accuracy. All participants are given three items to attempt to through into a selection of containers. The greater the difficulty of the throw the more points awarded to the participant. No requirements to participate, simply show up and request to participate in this event. No skill with throwing of stones or knives is required.

So You Think You Can Drink?: A test of balance and constitution. Test your gut against that of your greatest rival or ally. No requirements to participate, simply show up and request to participate in this event. Participants are given drink and fragile items to hold onto as they run down a line and back. Last imbiber standing with fragile charge unharmed is victorious!

Romani Riddle Room: A trial of wits and presence of mind. Little is said of what lies within, but that your wits and intellect are all that will guide you through. Up to four may enter into this challenge together. This event will only be available during certain times of the Gryphon Tournament. A participating group may enter at any time while this challenge is available, simply speak with the official at the challenge.

Coyote Challenge: Pit your wits, speed, strength and will against the many enemies of the land. Use the many skills of you and your comrades with only the clothes on your back. Many will enter, few will succeed. Nothing may enter the challenge along with the participants. Further rules clarifications and additions will be presented at time of competition. This event will only be available during certain times of the Gryphon Tournament. A participating group may enter at any time while this challenge is available, simply speak with the official at the challenge.

Gryphon Tournament Grand Melee: A full scale battle till the last challenger standing. Combat restrictions to be decided by officiators and Squire Von Gryphon prior to event. Hone your martial prowess and spells in advance, for the Grand Melee's combat restrictions are not to be decided until soon before the event is to commence! Ensuring death of participants is prohibited. Guaranteed and enforced by Earth practitioners assigned by the Royal Family of Roskaria.

Some events may be opened for further competition after primary tournament affairs have concluded. This is on a case by case basis. All questions and concerns may be directed to the tournament officials. When in doubt of participation requirements simply seek out a reservation for the event you favor, or seek a tournament officiator.

Enjoy the Gryphon Tournament, and the celebratory feasting!

Pleasant greetings,

Henry Balthomari, Second Scribe to the Royal Family of Roskaria.