Event Prep, Rides, Etc


With the event quickly approaching I wanted to remind folks of a couple of things:

1. This event is likely to be COLD. Currently the forecast shows a high of 40 and a low of 20, sunny to partly cloudy, with up to 20% of precipitation. This means bring lots of socks, long johns, gloves, extra blankets, etc. It is likely to be clear, but super cold at night. We will also be keeping these things in mind when it comes to planning big fights.

2. We cannot predict exactly what the road conditions will be like, but no matter which direction you are coming from, there will be a chance of snow or icy road conditions. If you own chains, throw them in your car. If you have an option between a car with newer or studded tires, and one without, bring the first one. And if you have neither of these things, try and caravan with another car so you have an emergency buddy just in case. Overall, drive safe and look out for another.

3. Opening announcements will be important this event, so please attend them if you are on site. I suspect this to occur at 9 or 9:30, with specifics to follow later this week. An OOG newsletter will be available as well for those who are not on site in time. Lay on will be a rolling lay on.
I have a couple spots open in my car, I'll be leaving from the Hwy 26/217 area sometime between 12-1PM on Friday.
On the note of tire chains and bad weather. In Oregon (not sure about Washington) when you enter a posted Snow Zone you are required to have either chains or studded tires with you. You can be ticketed for not having them. I84 between Troutdale and Rowena Mile post 13-77is a Snow Zone. 4 wheel drive and all wheel drive Vehicles count as having traction tires so you don't need to carry chains but, if the road conditions get bad enough they can require that you put chains on so it's good to have them.

Oregon tripcheck is the website to find out road conditions it can be found here: http://www.tripcheck.com/Pages/RCMap.as ... urRegion=0

And the Washington version: http://wsdot.com/traffic/passes/default.aspx

I will be driving from SE Portland but may be making a trip to the west side before I go. I will have 1 seat available in my car and I have chains. Also I have a spare set of chains that fit a toyota camry/sienna size tire if some one needs to borrow a set. I will be driving up I84 and past Hood River and The Dalles. If you need a ride PM me.
So, as a customer service note -

Technically, we have the site until 4 or 5pm, but we're all really awesome about cleaning up, and we usually get off-site by around 2-2:30. Because of the cold, and possible rain, and in the interests of trying to make our awesome combats a bit more safe, we're moving some of what was originally planned for Saturday night to Sunday morning, and calling game off at 1-1:30pm. There are still things going on Saturday night (hey, check out that in-game board), but you might want to plan your sleep pattern accordingly.
Wait...you mean....SLEEP on Sat night?

...What manner of strange barbarism is THIS?

prashka said:
Wait...you mean....SLEEP on Sat night?

...What manner of strange barbarism is THIS?


Now what he's saying is Monster camp will be asleep but there will be at LEAST 3 gypsy's present. No one is sleeping while we are awake!
Egor said:
prashka said:
Wait...you mean....SLEEP on Sat night?

...What manner of strange barbarism is THIS?

Now what he's saying is Monster camp will be asleep but there will be at LEAST 3 gypsy's present. No one is sleeping while we are awake!

I think you mean alive. There is a very important difference:P
Tantarus said:
Egor said:
prashka said:
Wait...you mean....SLEEP on Sat night?
...What manner of strange barbarism is THIS?
Now what he's saying is Monster camp will be asleep but there will be at LEAST 3 gypsy's present. No one is sleeping while we are awake!
I think you mean alive. There is a very important difference:P

I'm pretty sure that you don't wants to be THE guy who has to proclaim "I'm the fun killer" with everything they say or do. If you catch my drift. See.

I mean think about it, you meet a nice lady and you're all like "Hey, that's a nice dress. I'm the fun killer.", or better yet you see some kids playing Bullkin ball and you're all like "Hey you kids, get off my lawn. I'm the fun killer". Actually the more that I think about it the more I realize that this curse isn't really a threat at all for Tantarus. We can be Gypsy quiet for you older folks. (That's only like normal folk loud) ;p
prashka said:
Wait...you mean....SLEEP on Sat night?

...What manner of strange barbarism is THIS?


Ya'll can stay up late & get up late...that just means more Rits on goblins for everyone else that gets up at 8am.
A.mungo said:
I'm pretty sure that you don't wants to be THE guy who has to proclaim "I'm the fun killer" with everything they say or do. If you catch my drift. See.

I mean think about it, you meet a nice lady and you're all like "Hey, that's a nice dress. I'm the fun killer.", or better yet you see some kids playing Bullkin ball and you're all like "Hey you kids, get off my lawn. I'm the fun killer". Actually the more that I think about it the more I realize that this curse isn't really a threat at all for Tantarus. We can be Gypsy quiet for you older folks. (That's only like normal folk loud) ;p

Now there's a worthy gypsy curse! :D
prashka said:
Now there's a worthy gypsy curse! :D

Ehh, I have had worse.

I started in a game that was very gypsy heavy and the curse rules where much more open. Though the curses always went away after you killed the gypsy back then too. It kept the Gypsies more honest. They could not throw curses around all willy nilly without fear of repercussions. I miss those rules:/
Tantarus said:
Ehh, I have had worse.

I started in a game that was very gypsy heavy and the curse rules where much more open. Though the curses always went away after you killed the gypsy back then too. It kept the Gypsies more honest. They could not throw curses around all willy nilly without fear of repercussions. I miss those rules:/

You know what I have found always keeps the Gypsies more honest? More Gypsies.
So there is a weather alert tonight and tomorrow night for freezing fog in The Gorge. So watch out on bridges and overpass's for spots of black ice.
Ha, that would've been nice to have read beforehand. We stopped at Multnomah Falls for what ended up being some seriously windytimes, as we walked and slowly realized that the building on that side of the pedestrian underpass is not a bathroom. It was some pretty epic walking wind, and I said, "Well, this is what's been happening at Landfall lately." Driving, however, was less epic and more loud and difficult.