Event Review


If you complete this review within one (1) week of the event or faire day, you gain 15 goblin stamps.
Send reviews to the appropriate campaign as follows: maelstrom@alliancesf.net or logistics@alliancesf.net

1) Did you require a plot member? Yes or No
2) If yes, which plot member?
3) If so, was the plot member able to assist you?
4) Did the plot member explain everything in a concise manner?
5) Was the plot member polite?

6) Did you require a marshal? Yes or No
7) If yes, which marshal?
8) If so, was the marshal able to resolve the issue?
9) Did the marshal explain the rules and/or situation in a concise manner?
10) Was the marshal polite?

Rate the NPC costuming on a scale of 1-5, 1 being poor and 5 being excellent.

1 2 3 4 5

How many times did you have to ask, "What do I see?"

What could be improved with costuming?

Are you willing to help make costuming?

Rate the overall in-game atmosphere, 1 being difficult to stay in character and 5 being completely immersive.

1 2 3 4 5

What loot did you get?

How did you get it? (Check all that apply)

Looting a Monster/NPC
Searching a lair or other Plot area
Payment from an NPC
From "roguing" a cabin
Selling production items
Craftman skills
Shared/given from another PC
Found it (i.e. hunting components)
Vultured/Ninja Looted
Other (Please explain below)

How much combat did you get into, 1 being none and 5 being many combats?

1 2 3 4 5

Were you satisfied with the amount of combat you experienced? Why or why not?

How safe did you think combat was?

1 2 3 4 5

What would you suggest to make combat safer?

How much role-play did you get into, 1 being none and 5 being plenty?

1 2 3 4 5

Were you satisfied with the amount of role-play you experienced? Why or why not?

Was the role-play primarily with Plot, NPCs, other players, or a mix?

Did you find that satisfactory?

Overall how much did you enjoy the event? 1 being not at all and 5 being I had a great time?

1 2 3 4 5

What didn't you enjoy about the event?

What did you enjoy about the event?

What aspects can be improved?

Best in Show

Here you will be asked to vote for players and/or NPCs for certain bests. This is to reward members for contributing positively to the in game atmosphere. If you feel nobody really fits the bill, you do not have to vote for anyone.

You cannot win a category if you won that category the last time there was a vote. You cannot win any category if you have not filled out a review for that event or faire day. If you win a category, you will be allowed to make a random draw from a bag of magic items at the next event or faire day. No Plot member is eligible for these prizes.

The categories:

Best NPC: Which NPC stuck out in your mind? This can be for role-playing, showing excellent sportsmanship, contributing to the over all in game environment, or going above and beyond the call of duty.

Best Costume: Which PC had the best costume?

Best Role-playing: Which PC or NPC did you have the most rewarding role-playing experience with? It can just as easily be a argument as commiserating over a drink.

Most Immersive Player: Which PC contributed the most to the in-game environment? This isn't just avoiding out of game chatter, everyone should be doing that. This is for the player who sets up a camp or brings props to decorate the inn, or really keeps everyone in character, etc.

Safest Combatant: Which PC or NPC was the safest combatant? Who went out of their way to make sure everyone was having a safe and sane time?

Plot's Choice: This one is awarded by a consensus of the plot team for the player they felt most contributed to the overall enjoyment of the game.
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