Event Statistics! 7/24/15


Race Breakdown:

Barbarian: 5
Biata: 8
Dark Elf: 1
Dryad: 5
Dwarf: 4
Elf: 14
Gypsy: 3
High Ogre: 2
Hobling: 4
Human: 13
Mystic Wood Elf: 7
Sarr: 2
Stone Elf: 1
Wylderkin: 2
Class Breakdown:

Adept: 4
Artisan: 2
Fighter: 21
Rogue: 8
Scholar: 24
Scout: 1
Templar: 11

Holy wow. I am thoroughly impressed!
I think half of the Elves were Red Backs lol
And I wish we had that many fighters in town normally...