expensive Crafted magic items

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Frank Wiccan

if you make an item magical say Render a chainmail shirt and it gets stolen or taken or whatever removed from you
do you have to give the item over or just the tags?

I was recently told that an item so expensive as a chainmail shirt you would only have to give them the tags for it
and I was told that it doesn't matter you must surrender the item

what's the call?

dose the type of item anad expense of it matter?
and on an item that is rendered and will only last a certain time dose it make a difference?
If you make a personal item magical, it technically becomes the property of the chapter that it was created in.

So, yes, if someone takes the item, they get the rep too.

Most people will be nice enough to return your expensive item when it expires.
What Justin said is correct and is standard practice in the Alliance.

Justin H-

I disagree.

People have rendered their armor, and I have seen pcs only turn over the Armor Tag and the rendered tag, but KEEP their phys rep. This specifically for armor and weapons since the TAG represents the item IG.

If this is not the case I am going to make a motion on the owners board. It completely discourages ANYONE from wanting to have really nice armor, if the items can be stolen ig. Why waste money on nice phys reps if all youre going to spending your hard earned money for someone else to look good.

I can't find it in the rulebook, but what Erica said about armor was described to me as well. Wish I could remember the source. Magic weapons are however subject to being stolen. In fact, the Searching and Stealing section (pg 107) specifically mentions having magic weapons stolen.
Well this board isn't for debate but it sounds very wrong that enchanting an Item in this GAME makes said OOG Item the property of the chapter I would be very displeased if I put a render on a suit of armor only to have the owners claim it was now theirs and they're keeping it after I get killed on a Mod. Maybe I'm still not getting it though.

Have any of these comments been Official ARC stances? A couple are owners I know, are they on ARC or just putting in their 2 copper?
I got the following email from JTF after he check with ARC a couple of years ago on this same topic:

Okies I spoke with rules they said you can put it (an extend or permanence) on a "Suit" but there are some quid pro quos:

1) The item becomes property of Nero, I.E. You armor rep is now a magic item in the game and we will need to engrave the entire set. And can be stolen IG.
2) You have to wear ALL or nothing of the rep ... You can't wear pieces of the rep if its hot/cold or whatever.

This was when I wanted to make my suit of armor (helment, bracers, shoulders, legs, chainmail vest) a magic item. So I guess Erica would have to get this changed with an owners vote or something... And it doesn't discourage people from wearing nice armor - it discourages people from turning their expensive phys reps into IG magic items.

But before everyone says it's unfair I did understand the reason it must be IG stealable. Let's say Sparky gets taken down by PCs who then steal all his crap. Is it fair for me to have an unstealable magic item just because the rep is expensive? What if I start turning all my reps in fancy 18 kt gold or something and then all my magic items become unstealable?

If I give up only the tag, then the other players just took considerable risk for a magic item they can never use unless they drop a few hundred bucks or whatever. And let's say they do spend the cash to get a suit of armor. Instead of getting what they like they have to buy the exact same kind as me.

Now I'm not arguing the rule should not be changed. I'm just saying it's not a one-sided thing. I'll actually benefit if the rule is changed and if we want armor suits turned into non-spirit linked magic items in the game then it has to be changed.
The current rule is that yes, you have to turn over the item. It will be discussed at the Symposium, so I'm closing this thread for now. If the rule changes we will of course announce it and if people wish to discuss this, they can open a new thread in the Rules forum.
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