Fae wines and you

** From across the dreaming comes the scent of a camp fire and the background sounds of a forest. Lucian's voice is calm and collected as if presenting a subject to a class. **

With a possible visitor in New Acarthia, I'm providing a free lesson in things Fae.

When creating alcoholic beverages, those on this plane utilize farmed ingredients such as fruits, barley, wheat and herbs. We mash, mix and ferment before corking and chilling the resulting bottle. The processes and ingredients are what determine flavor and color. While created with some of the base methods we reference, Fae drinks are created utilizing ingredients that are harvested and joined in a non-traditional method.

Fae wine's primary spice or potency is determined by the use of 'essence' which is harvested from creatures of varying degrees of memory and emotion. The greater the memory ability and depth of emotional range, the stronger the essence. The essence of a fire salamander may provide a sudden rush but fade quickly as the creature has only an animal's intelligence and memory. Each step up in the ability to retain memory, or the story of experiences, and the intelligence to understand that memory increases the rarity and potency of an essence. To put this in the most direct terms of understanding, an essence is everything that makes you the person you are now. It's your memories, your feelings, the stories you tell and your ability to understand it all. Torn or bought from you, it can be distilled down into a flavor in a flask. What happens to the husk of you that remains is not usually a concern to the harvester.

Some time ago a Fae by the name Ferous came to visit with his drinks. One of them was named after a person. Everything that made that person an individual was part of that cherry flavor. Those warned of what the wine was still drank freely from the selection. What it may cost them in the future is still an unknown.

He will likely be returning this next gather. I expect he'll have a new selection of drinks. I would suggest one ask for the history and names of his drinks before picking up a glass. What one does afterwards is up to them.

So ends the lesson.
