Farmer Zander Cobblestone

Farmer Zander Cobblestone,

It was a pleasure meeting you and your family this past Market Day. The offer to welcome you to the new town of Horizon still stands should you like to relocate to our fertile valley and break ground on a new plot. I have been told that our soils are good for crops such as your potatoes and grains. The chickens will need to be fenced - as this is the frontier and there are some wildlife that might like to prey upon them, however they would be a welcomed addition to the food staples of our growing community.

I look forward to seeing you, Celia, and Bonnie hang your new portrate in a new home at Horizon, should you choose to join us.

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor von Gryphon
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Farmer Cobblestone,

I would add that the good Druid Asher has been in preparation to cast a Bountiful Harvest towards the end of our current growing season to insure the longevity of this new town. If you choose to become part of the town, you will certainly benefit.

Kind Regards.

Could you ask Druid Asher if I may assist in the casting of the Bountiful Harvest? I have been told rumors of some of Asher's prior ritual castings, and while I have confidence in his abilities, I can promise that the ritual will succeed without any chance of flaw or backlash if I join him as a secondary caster, which is always a comfort when casting.

However, if he would wish to cast it by himself only, may I watch the ritual casting?

- Yzon Sendari, the Dirt Mage
I, for one, cannot presume how such types of magics need be cast. I would therefore suggest you seek out the Good Druid Asher personally to determine of what assistance you may be.

Yzon Sendari,

It was a pleasure meeting you, if only briefly this last market day. I never got around to discussing Ritual Magics with you.
However, I would be willing and able to meet with you sometime this upcoming market at a day/time /location suitable for you.

I’m sure there is a lot to discuss, especially concerning the benefits of a Bountiful Harvest, when cast smoothly of course.
Feel free to meet one on one, or you may have your 2 sons accompany you; I simply wish to talk.
- Druid Asher