Feast for the upcomming event! (October 17th)


Gettysburg Staff
We are planning a Feast for Saturday evening of the upcoming event. We are looking for donations to help make the meal a great part of the weekend.

We are looking for donations of any of the following: Meat (chicken & beef) Asperigus, Broccoli, Beets, Carrots, Grapes, Berries, Dates, Figs, Apples, Rolls or Bread of rye, wheat or sourdough, any kind of dessert, sparkling grape juice or cider. Other dishes are happily appreciated if you have something cool you would like to make and share!

We also have a lead on a food service provider that may be able to get us a bunch of this at wholesale prices. If you are interested in donating funds or other dishes, towards this please contact Rich Ditzler to let me know what you will bring or what you would like to donate.

Thank you very much and see you all soon, - Rich