February 2013 Event Downtime Deadline


Hello everyone,

This is an announcement/reminder to all of our players that for our upcoming event on the weekend of February 1-3, the downtime deadline is January 18, 2013, with responses sent back to players by January 28 (Monday).

I would like to remind players of a few key points about our campaign.

1) As far as the people of Landfall know, the native peoples of the Golden Horn have been under the iron rule of the Harkonian Empire for the last 80 years or more. Leading up to that, the Harkonians waged a methodical war against the native kingdoms and people, effectively destroying the existing power structure. As time went on, the Harkonian Empire made a concerted effort to quell any one who tried to fill the existing power vacuum.

2) Most of the native people that have been encountered thus far have been members of the short-lived races of Fortannis, and the few individuals or groups that were of the long-lived races have spent significant amounts of time hiding or on the run, just trying to survive or under the control of their Harkonian masters.

These factors may or may not influence your downtime responses.

Additionally, we will be making a greater effort to make specific information more readily available to players through appropriate in-game channels.

Moving forward:
We will also be making a few changes to our downtime policy moving forward (in other words, these changes will NOT be in effect for this downtime cycle). Given the ever increasing number and complexity of our great players' downtime actions, we will be limiting the number of actions players can take during a downtime cycle to 3 main actions. This is to help maintain your plot teams' sanity. However, if you would like to add more actions to your downtime, you may do so by spending goblin stamps, with an increasing cost with each additional action. We will be posting specifo gic details for these downtime policy changes after this upcoming event to avoid any potential confusion, but wanted to give everyone a heads-up on these upcoming changes.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to post them in this thread or e-mail your plot team at: oregonplot@gmail.com


Downtimes have gone out, and I'm pretty sure we got everyone.

If you have any questions/concerns, or we missed something, please let us know ASAP!