February 2013 event feedback


Hello everyone,

I'd like to thank everyone who came out to Alliance Oregon's February 2013 event at Camp K, and I'd especially like to thank our amazing NPC's who worked their tails off the whole weekend, we couldn't have done it without all of you, so thanks again for your hard work.

If you attended the event as a PC or as an NPC, the plot staff would very much like to hear your feedback on the event: what we did right, what we can improve on, and the kinds of things you might like to see in the future. Send your feedback to: oregonplot@gmail.com by March 1, 2013 and we'll award you 30 goblin points. A lot of you had some things to say (pro and con) on-site, but our brains are friend and we won't remember it all. So please help us out and send your pro and cons in to help remind us.

If you have questions or concerns that you would like to share but want to do so anonymously, you can always send it through our amazing player rep, Carmen! Her email address is: playerrep@allianceoregon.com.

Thanks again, and hopefully we'll see everyone in April!