For those with an aversion to celestial magic


Last market day, I attempted a disjunction from the town's celestial circle, to the town's earth circle. I have found that there were no ill effects other than the illness brought on by my contact with celestial magic. In light of this discovery, I would like to request that from now on, unless absolutely necessary, we disjunct from Earth circles, as it will avoid ill effects and the wasting of awaken potions.


You have made a great discovery and I congratulate you on your bravery to try such a zhing. However, just because you vere able to do zhis vonce does not mean it is a feasible vay to travel, much less safe. For all ve know, disjuncting betveen earth and celestial circles fails nine times out of ten, or perhaps every ozher time it kills every person making zhe disjunct. I, for one, would require more substantial proof zhan "I did zhis vonce" before alloving ozhers to do zhis. I urge you to take your finding to zhe guilds, as zhey have zhe resources to fully test zhis phenomenon.

Roy Gallentine

I doubt that the guilds will be TOO interested in this. Remember that although it is a great discovery, rarely do they find a need to disjunct from celestial to earth or earth to celestial, and even then it's usually not too far to walk to where they need to go from their respective circles.

If it makes you feel better I shall try and investigate on this matter myself.

~Brother Icey
Disjuncting is hard. Gorka sorry. Gandian have better history of success. But even if we disjunct from Earth Circle to a Celestial Circle you still will have to be in a Celestial Circle on one end of the trip. Gorka will Discuss this with Guild though and ask about experiments.

Gorka not feel confident doing such a jump especially to a Circle that Gorka not actually been in the circle of. Gorka's last jump to an area just described to me almost ended with someone in the bottom of a casim. And when Gorka tried to Jump to Giant's Walk. Though Gorka been there with no circle to guide us too Gorka could not keep everyone together and we seperated and I lost my dinner on the other end, it was not a smooth ride. Gorka is getting better but Rather not risk a jump like that at this point, ask another Earth Guild member to do this, Gorka not want to loose Friends though this way to travel.

- Gorka
Healer in the Earth Guild of Gaden

What's the worst that could happen, a shatter spirit? I get disjuncted to the middle of the corrupt territory, or worse I get disjuncted into Dure'Dhel's shower while he's bathing? It's a risk I'm willing to take to learn exactly how safe it is. Worst that happens is I resurrect, best thing that could happen is we learn that it's perfectly safe.

~Brother Icey
Icey said:
What's the worst that could happen, a shatter spirit?

If you mean that someone, meaning either myself or Gorka in these instances, taking a shattering blast to their spirit is worse than a biata feeling queasy and us maybe using up an Awaken potion, I seriously question your logic, and am seriously affronted. It is safest to disjunct from and to Circles of the same aspect, and unless absolutely necessary, it will be this way. If we must disjunct without a target circle, we must, but I am not risking any danger to people by swapping aspects merely for the momentary comfort to some of our adventurers.

Once again, I am offended. I like biatas and tribesmen as much as the next person, but I find your carelessness on the matter disgusting. I hope and pray I am merely misreading your words, and if not, I hope you have an excellent reason for your words.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Primary Celestial Disjunctor of the Adventurers
I think it would be wise to listen to Gandian's words of caution. I don't understand why adventurers think YOU are the only ones who can figure out the secrets of circle disjunction and all the possible different affects.

The nation of Gaden has Royal guilds that have power and knowledge far greater than any of us adventurers in hope's reach. I would suggest that perhaps going to these guilds and offering service in return for learning would be a much better avenue to discover all the secrets of circle travel rather than literally trying to 'reinvent the wheel'...

Don't think you are the first ones to have these questions. And also risking random results 'just because' is a pretty horrible reason. Not to mention I think you are SERIOUSLY under-rating the danger of ending up in Dure'Dhel's shower while he is using it... Surprising a powerful celestial mage at close quaters usually ends up very poorly for those who did the surprising...

Just my 2 cents,
- Taloc

My apologies, I was only thinking of the dangers on myself. I didn't take into consideration the one disjuncting the circle and possible backlashes on them. I realize that not only did Deoman take a risk disjuncting to the earth circle you also took a risk disjuncting him to the earth circle. If I could, I would have investigated this matter on my own and not put any of you in danger. My curiosity got the better of me in my words, and I realize that words once said cannot be taken back. I again apologize for thinking selfishly and not of others, such as yourself and Gorka. I feel like an idiot for not taking into consideration the disjuncter.

I will not investigate this matter as aggressively anymore, rather I will attempt to follow Taloc's advice and consult the Royal Guilds for knowledge pertaining to this. If anyone wishes to still join me, I would be glad for the company.

~Brother Icey, the selfish fool
I did not mean my experiment to cause so many hurt feelings and insults. I think that this merits further investigation and testing, but I believe that once this has proven reliably safe, or the guilds state that it is so, that it would save both time and discomfort going to the earth circle witch is only 5 steps from the tavern as opposed to the celestial circle witch is much farther.
I didn't mean there should be immediate action taken, only that it has proven possible and merits further investigation. I understand disjunction would still require discomfort upon arrival, but it would avoid discomfort before disjunction and while we rift, in addition to saving awakens. I do not expect anyone else to risk themselves, and I thank Gandion for the risk he took disjuncting me, as at the time it didn't occur to me that even though he didn't rift, he risked backlash.

If need Awaken potions, make can make for you, no problem. Awaken not very expensive, definitely not worth arguing over. Come by me workshop before next market day if want some.

-Cho Ko Nu
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Cho Ko Nu,

I thought you were changing your skills with a Spirit Forge ritual, did that not happen friend?

- Taloc

I can imagine it is difficult for Cho Ko Nu to reforge himself when one of your guild members bought his scroll and my catalyst and then reforged. ;)

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Oh, I thought his team only sold to ours because they had already assembled a set in Wayside... :thumbsup:

Is that not true? Btw glad you guys that are, are all still alive!

- Taloc

Gorka look into your original question. When going celestial to earth or earth to celestial death has been rare. commonly people spirit walk some where else and take a long time to do it, or suffer ill affects for 10 min to and hour.

Gorka play for the Awaken potion or spell if you can't stand the less than a minute of pain.

Healer of the Gadin Earth guild
If there are such ill effects, I will not ask such a disjunction done on my account, but if there had been none, then I dont see a reason why we shouldn't do it when we can. Anyway, thank you for investigating gorka, I will deal with the pain if it means there's no chance of death.
