Gathering of Resurrection Stories


Gorka got worried when so many people who have skill to resurrect not confident about resurrecting cus they not know story. It important to guide spirit with calming story so it strong and ready to fight bad things. Gorka want help making book of calming stories so ressurecters can read from.

Remember stories your parents told you when small to get you to sleep? Those make good stories. Remember the time you helped save the Prince, that make good story too. Stories don't have to be created can just be remembered, and it ok to tell more than one story to spirit.

Please dream of story or come visit Gorka at the Earth Circle so Gorka can scribe it in book to help people with Resurrections, someday you may hear own story and it help guide you.

- Gorka
Stag Champion
Shadow's Light
Remember of Crow, Gubba, and Lok
Asher working on one too so if not like Gorka or want to talk to her talk to Asher. He good tree Man.

Vho doez not like Gorka? Although Asher iz good vne he is. Compiling rezzuvection ztories is vorthy task, If you need any aid let me know. Alzo do not forget to add that a ztory should ve perzonlized vor race and person vhen able. Vhen a connection is made is alvays vetter for all...

Kitaruen Kopanari
its interesting that Kitaruen should bring that up, I was just recently contemplating putting together a book with a little piece on each adventurer. Nothing too personal of course, just a little bit to help us match up a resurrection story to you and help you back should we find you in the earth circle. What does everyone think of this?

Deoman the Runner.
Iz good in theory vut information zuch az thiz is personal and you must ve most careful. I think a book zuch as this iz too dangerouz even if done with generalitiez and care. Iz better vhen healers know the vnes they must usher back.

Kitaruen Kopanari
I'm sure anyone who has stories to tell, or lessons to give can be added to the book. I'll be sure to leave blank pages for those who wish to contribute to it over the market days.

Healer of the Earth Guild
Grand Melee Champion
Warden of Keepers of the Darkened Sun