Gobbie Stamp raffle


Starting today, I'm offering a monthly gobbie-stamp raffle for new players. This is not new characters, just new players. So long as you legitimately* intend to play AWY at some point and have only recently joined the game--or are pending actual live events to join--you're eligible!

*This is on the honor system. I'm trying to encourage new players to AWY with this and would like to see the gobbies go to people who want/intend to play AWY. At the end of the day, I can't police this, but can only ask that you be considerate of others.

How this works:
- Please let me know if you are a new player, or send me names of the new players you've brought. This can be via pinging me on discord, direct message, facebook message, or forum message.
- I'll maintain a monthly list, with anyone who didn't win carried over to the next month.
- From the list, I'll randomly select three names. They will get 120gs, 60gs, 30gs respectively.
- Drawings will happen at the end of each month

So...get those names in! :)

List currently contains just 6 people. Get those names in! I know there's more of you than that, so come and take my gobbies. :D
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Reminder! The goblin stamp raffle is nearing the end of the first month! As of right now, I have only gotten a few submissions of new players who would like to be part of it. This raffle will repeat in September, but I wanted to make sure there was enough visibility on it for August.