Google Calendar


To the powers that be and anyone who cares about customer service;

Hey, is there any reason we do not put events into a Google calendar format that your player base could subscribe to? Google calendars are very easy to embed. Maybe this is already being done some where by someone, if so feel free to share it. I am getting a little tired of always coming back to this site yearly to update and then finding that it changes 3, 4, 5 + times a season. If I just had a subscription to each chapter that I was interested in.....that would be better, IMHO, since it would auto update on my calendar. Work smarter, not harder

Thank you,
Loving player base (at least one of them)
This question has been asked and answered before. Mike V updates the calendar of events on the main site when the owners and "powers that be" of each chapter decide to send him updates.

So whether or not they switch to a different format like the google calendar one you personally like to use or not, it would still be up to the individual chapters to make the updates (if they had access to such a thing) or send the updates to Mike to do it.

I doubt you will see any changes in this method until there is a new national website with a staff that has the time and know how to perform regular updates.
Interesting....but we could just have a calendar on this site that subscribes to each chapter's calendar, then no updating would be necessary. As owners updated their own calendar, it would be reflected on the embedded calendar.

Thanks for the response, I will see if I can get some action on it through my owner/s.