Hail and well met


Well, thanks to GenCon I am now officially hooked on LARP. I've downloaded the book .pdf, I've read up a bit on the Nero / Alliance split, and I even have a decent lot of costuming. So, my wife and I are looking toward participating in the October event after we figure out the official way to sign up for the Alliance. We're lucky that we have friends playing in Alliance Calgary who are willing to tie their story (very loosely) into our starting story and work things out from there. No, I'm not looking for a hand-out / hand-up to try and bypass the system, but having my story tie in with those of friends (no matter how far away physically) makes the game more engaging in a lot of ways.

Logistically I'm getting together everything from the basic checklist, but have a question. The wife and I live in Eugene and currently don't own a car. Is there anyone in that area willing to carpool us up to the site in October? I can go halfsies on gas money for the trip, and if requested, can sweeten the deal with delicious bacon.

Any tips, thoughts, communication, and well... just about anything you can think of would be much appreciated.
Hello, and welcome to the Alliance!

To get yourself started, you'll want to create your characters. To do that, you'll need to contact the logistics folks at chapter where you wish your character to "live" via email and tell that you're a new player and you want to create a new character (tip: have a name in mind! You don't have to have one, but it helps!); you'll need to supply an out-of-game name as well. I'd also suggest contacting that chapter's plot team to get information about the campaign world which will in turn help you fill out your character's background with regard to that; it might help you fill in some details for tying in with your friends. They may also supply you with additional information about your race, depending on which you choose.

If you want to house your character in Oregon, send an email to logistics@allianceoregon.com; be aware that responses will be slower than usual because our head of logistics is dealing with a family medical problem. If you want more information about the world and how your character can fit in, please email the plot team at: oregonplot@gmail.com and we'll do our best to answer your questions. We'll also help you through the character creation process, and assist with your character's background (character backgrounds aren't required, but they are helpful for rounding out your character and getting into character).

I know we have folks who live down-ish in that direction, but I cannot speak for them and their ability to provide transport.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask here, or contact one of the above email addresses. You can also contact Carmen, our player rep: playerrep@allianceoregon.com.

Hope this helps!

Jumping in to say that you don't need to wait until October to start playing, Alliance Oregon and Alliance Seattle share most of their players (most people in the NW play at both chapters) and Alliance Seattle is having an event September 21-23 at Millersylvania State Park ELC, which is about the same distance from you as the next Alliance Oregon game, which is at Brooks Memorial State Park ELC. Chances are good that if you can get a ride for one, that you can get a ride to both. We've got some new player resources up on our new website, and even though we're the Seattle chapter, most of the information on our 'new players' stuff (including the "Character History" stuff, except that you'd want to send it to Oregon probably instead of us) will work for pretty much wherever you play.

I used to live near your area (so I hope Adam wasn't thinking of me), but there are still a few people down there that come up to both chapter's games. People don't tend to plan actual rides until a few weeks (2-4, generally) before games, since people generally can't guarantee that they'll be able to attend much farther out than that. If you're interested in attending the Seattle game, dropping a line on the Seattle forums is a good way to make sure that people who are going to that will see it. Or, if you want to guarantee that somebody sees it, like, right now, both Oregon and Seattle have Facebook pages.

GM Alliance Seattle