Hamish Reports

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Early the morning after The Masquerade:

Hamish strides purposefully up to the Homeguardsmen stationed outside Colonel Dunbow's offices. "Leftenant Hamish here to make his report of events at the King's Masquerade," he states in his best parade ground voice.
Standing at attention from behind his desk Sergeant Greenmore address you, "Yes Lieutenant Hamish, he has been expecting you for sometime now." He walks over to the office door and announces your arrival.
"Leftenant Hamish reporting, sir," he announces as he strides forth to stand at attention in front of Colonel Dunbow, saluting with fist to heart.
"The evening went without major incident, until, the count, Jack *** cough sorry Jacque Haas, and the countess, the pretty blond one with the injury, had a bit of a squabble. They went at it hammer and tongs, something about marriages and lands, until the count ran with his wee tail tucked between his legs after striking the countess across the face. Seems to me it's high time for the Archmage to do his thing and purge the ranks of the nobility. But I am but a lowly Leftenant unconcerned with the affairs of such lofty individuals," he finishes with a sigh.
"If that is all, sir? I'll be begging your pardon and it's off to the practice yard." Hamish readies to leave.
Looking at you squarely in the eyes, "I see. What you're telling me is, over the last six months, you final present me with a report and it's about a squabble between two nobles? Nothing to report about the assignments myself and the King have ordered you to do? No troubles or concerns about your post? No reports of incidences, attacks or casualties? No status reports on your troops?" Standing up from his desk, he turns to look out he window, "If that is all you have to report, then you are dismissed. If you would like to revise your report, then I suggest you shut the door and take a seat."
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