Has anyone seen...


Gorka notice strangers with lavender swirly marks on their cheeks. They seem very new to this land sometimes even new to Fortanis it seems. Gorka curious. If anyone meet one or remember meeting one, Gorka want to too.

They may have called upon the Moon, or maybe mentioned an Emperor. Gorka very curious.

- Gorka

I have noticed these new travelers as well. They seem very friendly and their ability to call upon the moon intrigues me. That Ivan fellow was most interesting after our 'meeting' with the boggles. If earth can be called forth from the energies of fortanis, then what is to say a similar energy can't be called from the moon?

I will not be at this market day, as I'm not one for being active in cold weather. Also, I doubt you'd recognize me without my dreads and leaves, not a particularly pretty sight. I'll be traveling around learning all I can about calling upon the moon.

I look forward to seeing everyone next spring, and look forward to being green again, as it is such a...pleasant color, as I'm sure you're aware.
