Healing Arts and Permanently Dead bodies

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Heres the scene, a favorite NPC has died outside of the PC's Vision for whatever reason (They decided not to come to his rescue/where busy etc.) The NPC goes to the circle and is given a ressurection but then fails (The PC in the circle does not know this spirit) When the PCs come to the body....

A.)Can they use healing arts to tell he is permanently dead?
B.)Does the body look any differnt then a simply 'dead' body?
C.)Does the NPC body respond 'No effect' to a life spell?
i seem to remember from my days of NERO that any PC had the intrinsic ability to tell if there was a Spirit in any given body, or more if that was the case. this wasn't based in Healing Arts or anything build related, but was simply one of those things everyone can do. however, i couldn't find reinforcement or negation in the rule book, ¿anyone know?
This is why I posted the question in the ARC area :roll:
Anyone can post here, but we ask that no one responds except ARC members, who will then lock the thread. Discussion can happen in the regular Rules forum.

Mobius should not have responded. Bad Mobius.
Lurin said:
Heres the scene, a favorite NPC has died outside of the PC's Vision for whatever reason (They decided not to come to his rescue/where busy etc.) The NPC goes to the circle and is given a ressurection but then fails (The PC in the circle does not know this spirit) When the PCs come to the body....

A.)Can they use healing arts to tell he is permanently dead?
There is no specific Healing Arts question which will tell you someone is permanently dead; however, you may use Healing Arts to deduce that he is permanently dead. Specifically:

"Healing Arts: are you dead?" "Yes!"
"Healing Arts: how long until you resurrect?" "Not Applicable/Never"

B.)Does the body look any differnt then a simply 'dead' body?

C.)Does the NPC body respond 'No effect' to a life spell?
Yes (or it simply lies there and a further "Healing Arts: are you dead?" will give another "Yes!" answer).

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
Is it intended that the status 'permanently dead' be synonymous with 'dead' (as per a Death effect or KB) for Healing Arts purposes? Other spells can affect bodies that are Dead (Life and Create Undead) that don't affect a person who is 'permanently dead.' I foresee confusion, and request clarification.
I will get the ARC to respond but please everyone stop adding new posts here, as that only confuses things, and makes it not necessarily clear what question is asked/answered.

To discuss this issue, start a new thread in the regular area.
jpariury said:
Is it intentional that the physrep for the spirit (the player) is not distinguishable from the physrep for the permanently-dead body?

A player may choose to physrep a permanently dead body at their own discretion; they may want to talk to their Plot team on how to best deal with the ramifications of permanent death and subsequent happenings to the body.
obcidian_bandit said:
Is it intended that the status 'permanently dead' be synonymous with 'dead' (as per a Death effect or KB) for Healing Arts purposes? Other spells can affect bodies that are Dead (Life and Create Undead) that don't affect a person who is 'permanently dead.' I foresee confusion, and request clarification.

A permanently dead body subject to a Life or Create Undead spell should reply "No Effect". If Healing Arts is used to ask an inapplicable question on a target (such as "Are you Dead (need a Life Spell)" as per the book, or "How long until you resurrect?"), an answer of "No Effect" is a reasonable reply.
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