Helm vs. Circlet


I want to say that the Wonder Woman Armor is Not making a come back.
I am glad I could bring a smile to peoples faces with it.

Ser Seril told me after Lay On to lose the Circlet. For I might be mistaken for Nobilty (which Grimshaw is not.)
Which I did, as not wanting to upset any PC's over it.

So my question here is what is the difference between my normal Helm (wide Steel Grey band with the bronzeish horn and nose guard, with open top) and the WW gold circlet with the red star.

I ask because I am considering redesigning my Helm and I don't want it to cross into what ever the problem with the circlet is.

James "Grimshaw" Ferguson

We're probably all using the wrong terms for this stuff (much to Annette's frustration) but by my definition a circlet is a piece of jewelry. If it looks like armor it's a helmet. If it looks like jewelry it's a circlet. I don't think anybody would look at Grimshaw and say "man that guy sure looks like a Baron" so you're probably good.

I will point out, though, that this is not an official plot ruling or anything as I'm no longer a staff member. I was always the one saying "eh, wear what you want" before anyway, so maybe I'm just a little more lax about this sort of thing.
So as a member of plot, Foss telling you to take off that circlet was a total in game rp choice. And obviously you taking it off was clear rp as well. The difference between the 2 head pieces is that the WW one looks almost like a crown to me.

With that being said, if you are making a new head piece for costuming, as long as it does not distinctly look like a crown or circlet (which i would decribe like kyle stated above or as Duke Tursen wheres IG) you can make it look however you want. But just be prepared for any IG conversation about it. That is the joy of rp and experience of the game.

Thank you for your questions and concerns.
This is a conversation I can enter but fear honestly I may upset people:-)

If you want me to weight in I happily will:-)

- Nette
I'm not stopping you.

I would like a plot ruling but a PC input would not hurt either from a RP stand point.

Here is how history tells us-

- a circlet is no larger than one inch with a single point beyond one inch.

- a coronet has usually 6 raised points- usually points , leaves or embattlements .

- a crown- well that is complicated but also simple- a crown MUST have the mark of state in some form even if it is stylized. Beyond that it can be as complicated or simple as desired- depending on it's purpose - a battle crown, a coronation crown, a ball crown, a walkin around crown---- monarchy's have a lot of different crowns all with their lands mark of state. For example a proper crown for wayside would have the bear with sword incorporated somehow.

Now here is where lungs get complicated- metals and points matter.

A gold coronet with six points - landed Baron/ness
A gold coronet with six embattlements - landed count/ess
A gold coronet with six leaves- landed Duke/duchess
If any of the above is in silver- court of the the title

A gold crown - King or Queen
A silver crown- princess or princess

Circlets and tiaras wee uses mostly for fashion. Circlets by most basic courtly people and tiaras by more higher court.

Very few royals wore their headgear all the time- why- because everyone knew who you were that mattered and if someone did not you had people that made them know-

Sooooooo that is the simple version. This is NOT game related ---- NOT game related!!!!!

In game I believe --- please Polt correct of I am wrong.

Kings and queens and princes and princesses wear crowns-
Dukes duchess barons and baroness wear circlets
Lords and lady- they can do as you like as long as you do not cross into circlets or crowns...

However they do not have super defined parameters of those two things.

So does that help... I have no idea.

As a character I would have been upset at him wearing it because it seems to be making fun of nobility something Cyn is not good with.

As a player I giggled:-)

So does any of this help- I have no idea.... But there ya go!

Have a good evening:-)
As a member of plot once again,

You are correct Annette. Thank you for the history as you probably know the most on this subject lol.

James, as long as your new head armor doesn't resemble a crown or circlet it will be ok to wear. Just remember whatever rp that generates from it, is all IG.

Thank you again!
Nathan Baine