Hey blacksmiths


Hey weapon maker guys, GRONK comin' to your feast thing. My gear tends to get broke a lot and nobody ever has extra junk I can use, so you should make some armor and a big-*** club in case mine gets broked. Da armor should be big enough to take a stone storm and I might need a couple of 'em. GRONK like da scaley type armors but I take what I get. I ain't got much coin now but I can fix dat pretty quick-like. Also probably need a longsword or two for da other guys in my crew.

Also GRONK got some little leather and chain trinkets. Imma sell 'em for coin but I can trade dose for armor and stuff too.

Also if someone can teach GRONK to use da other big-*** weapons (like a big-*** sword or a poleaxe or a staff) GRONK can pay for dat too. Or GRONK could teach you how to fight or cast elemennal magic or somethin'. We can trade.

Such a beautiful request GRONK, truly it is; I couldn’t say it better myself, so I’ll say it not as well.

I too have been drawn to this feast you’re having in honor of the memory of your fallen ruler. Thus, I too don’t know what dangers lay ahead, but I’m looking for a long stick with something nice and blunted at the end, useable in 1 hand.

I too don’t have the intricate refined metal bits but I know I can find some as easily.

I look forward to the lights, the flames and the sheer awe of this grand event.

- Vermouth
I ken make all that stuff for ya, I don't think I'll be able to make it in until people start getting ready for the banquet, so you'll have time to find stuff to trade with. I'm sure we can figure something out to trade. I'll whip up some armors and stuff while I'm in Barran in a couple days, I got some nice metals up there just rattling around in my workshop anyways.

As long as we're requesting things, I too have a request for weaponry and armor. A short sword and whatever armor you happen to have the ability to make would suffice. Myself and my biata will be at this banquet and would enjoy being outfitted. He needs armor as well and any spare alchemy that happens to be floating around. Many thanks for any assistance in this matter.

Bethanne Mallowbrookes

My name is Socora. I am a Biata, a fighter, and the proprietress of our local tavern. I look forward to making your acquaintance and that of your Biata friend.

Dear Jehyu,

I am looking to purchase a shield. Would you be able to assist me with this? York was kind enough to share his knowledge of shield fighting last market day. I would like to give this a try as I feel it might make me even more effective as a fighter.

Kindly let me know if this is something that you could assist me with or I would take a referral, if you are unable.

I look forward to hearing back from you. Let me know what the pricing would be on this.

Best regards,


We can always use more arrows, as well.

Bethanne's biata
I can have all that stuff done, just remember ums, I probably won't be there until early afternoon to deliver. Um...Bethanne are you SURE you can wear 'whatever the Rabbit that's been practicing hanging really really heavy plates together" can make? Not many people can, you kinda have to train for that....

I'll bring my heavy bag I guess if I need room for arrows in there.


Bethanne and I only need armor that can withstand a stonestorm. Neither one of us has the training to use more.

okay, I'm gonna make three of those armor suits all that can take a stone storm of damage or so, also 2 maces, one really big mace, one short sword, a couple of shields. I'll have plenty of arrows with me too.

I'll mix up some alchemy globes, if you can't use them all Bethanne, der are other people that can so that should be fine.

I got some bigger healing potions too I think as I still have a whole bunch of my healing potions.

Hello Jehyu,

I had sent a pigeon a while back, but it might have gotten lost.
I was requesting a fix-up on the hammer that I like to use...

Walk with Honor,
Perfect, how much will it be for our supplies? If it is a strain on your crafting skills we can purchase armor from Iganeous to ensure everyone gets everything they need. If we have any leftover gold I will also gladly purchase some of your healing potion.

It will be a pleasure to make your acquaintance in person this coming banquet.

We'll talk later

It's not too tough, I've been practicing on my blacksmithing a lot, the armor bits cost 12 silvers each, and it's 6 silvers and two silvers for the gas globes I'm making. The short sword is 5 silvers. My best healing potions right now are 2 silver a piece, they heal a bit more then the real small ones, but not so much that you are wasting it on the younger folks I suppose.

I'll be a bit late getting there as I'm still aways out from my workshops and still have to craft stuff, but I should be there before the big dinner thing.
