High Arcanist, Reynold Illkari's "Portal Ritual"

Shen [he/him]

After the inital Call to Aid, I spent a portion of my winter speaking and working with the High Arcanist, and his Apprentices, the Arcanists. Here is what I discovered.

The High Arcanist is extremely proficient in both Earth and Celestial Magics. This ritual is one of his own design, which intertwine the two aspects of magic to invoke the powers of the stars as much as the planet to create a hole within the Nimbus that separates Bastion, from its original Mists and through that hole the Adventures will be able to travel. Once Arriving in that original Mists, we will need to discover the resources necessary for our own formalists to combine our efforts across both aspects to perform the ritual a second time - reopening that hole from the other direction. However, with suspected/likely considerably more resources and effort - stabilize and anchor his tunnel, to become a stable gateway in which the Adventurers can eventually travel and still reach and communicate with Bastion. However, it will also stabilize and anchor the original Mists, within the existing mists of Fortanis and allow those who walk the mists to travel to other spheres/shards to travel to Bastion's Original Mists and assist as they are able/willing.

Personally, I have studied among some of the best/noteworthy/powerful FAFO Celestial Formalists within the Lands I was Born. The ritual Reynold has devised is one that I think would even give my teachers and mentors a moment's pause and make sure they have double checked everything before they "wing it". As it concerns magical Theory and principles of Fortanis Magic - the idea is sound, and it is statistically plausible - I just wish to ensure that there is no misunderstanding or miscommunication. This is pure Force of Will type of magic, that relies upon those principles to accomplish something new. It is difficult and potentially dangerous. But, without those things there wouldn't be fun, adventure, or exploration - why rely on the classic and basic schools, when we can use our minds for something new, and see what happens?

From what the Reynold has informed me...

The Ritual will require: ((Updated: 5/22))
  • The Ink of an Elder Kraken (())
  • The Beating Heart of an Aspect of Flame (())
  • A Perfect Star (())
  • The Hoof of a Centaur Lord (())
  • A Dark Vision of the Future (())
  • The Primary Feather of an Ocean Roc ((Acquired))
  • Spirit Velem ((Acquired))
The Ritual will Need:
  • 200+ Heartstone ((5 Acquired))
  • 200+ Feyander ((120 Acquired))
  • 200+ Lay Ore (("Brick" of Lay Ore, that should finish being appraised by next market))
Things that are desired (Presumably for likelihood of success, or increased ability/frequency to use the portal to Bastion)
  • The Heartscale of an elder dragon ((Acquired))
  • The True Joy of Freedom (())
  • The Heartstring of a First Forest ((Acquired))
  • Catalysts for a Stable Foundation Ritual x 6 ((4 Acquired))
  • Catalysts for a Permanent Circle of Power Ritual x2 ((1 Acquired))
  • Catalyst for an Obfuscation Ritual ((Acquired))
  • Catalyst for a Permanent Duration Ritual (())
As Reynold told me specifically the catalysts desired, the items that are not listed as catalysts, might still be catalysts or they may be items in which exist in Bastion but are too difficult for one scholar, even a High Arcanist to go and acquire, and needs good strong group of Adventuring Spirits to obtain.

While I can open the floor to questions, this is largely all that I know on this subject as of yet. So, questions may just be a list of things that we seek to discover, or if others have discovered other information that they can contribute to the topic.

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That's a whole lot of stuff required, like a whole lot! Sounds fun!

I had a chat with the King Jonas over the winter, and we're already best friends now. I mean, when they say you can reach out to anyone mentioned in the dreaming of course it makes sense to go to the King first!

I am hoping to be a Dual Formalist by the Fall and this seems like a Dual Formalist kinda thing.

I really hope if we do this we don't all explode.

- Maiev Cromwell
Hi, um.... Shen.

I don't know the Celestial magic like you, Desylvia, or Lady Bunchabee, buuuuuut, if we gots the catalyst for the summon elemental. Could we summon a big Flame guy and take his heart?
And Maybe Thorn and I could talk to the trees about getting the, um, Heartstring from the forest.

Just asking

if we gots the catalyst for the summon elemental. Could we summon a big Flame guy and take his heart?


This is one of the reasons that I believe items on the list to be as equally litteral or abstract. Elementals are made of Energy and don't have a metabolism as we understand it. When they "die" their energy more often than not simply disburses. Thus they would not have a litteral "Beating Heart". That said, Reynold didn't tell me "elemental", he said "Aspect of Flame" which leads me to suspect that the item in question will be a noteable source of Flame Energy. Just as the focus of our ritual was to enchant that several pound bar of TrueSilver, I imagine it could be possible that we will uncover other large sources of classic Fortanis Reagents and may come across a large log which ignited a Forest Fire, and contains within that log all of the Pyrotis which the burning created. Equally an option, there are many magical creatures which exist throughout the mists of Fortanis and there are those touched by Flame - say, a Pheonix.... I personally would be loathe to kill such a creature for its heart even if it would simply trigger its Rebirth Cycle...

Then there is something to be said that by the most broad, yet simple definition of Life... to consume fuel to derive energy, grow, adapt and reproduce. Most Flame, despite its chemical nature can meet that definition and as such the beating pulse of a uniquely magical charged Candle may meet the criteria. Much the same that pulsing light which has been captured in a Bound Shard from the rays of the noon sun - could meet the description.

All in all, I suspect it is some avenues which will become clear one way or another as we continue to explore Bastion.

That's a whole lot of stuff required, like a whole lot! Sounds fun!

I had a chat with the King Jonas over the winter, and we're already best friends now. I mean, when they say you can reach out to anyone mentioned in the dreaming of course it makes sense to go to the King first!

I am hoping to be a Dual Formalist by the Fall and this seems like a Dual Formalist kinda thing.

I really hope if we do this we don't all explode.

- Maiev Cromwell

I would love to talk with you about this goal. As a dual formalist, it is always nice to meet others pursing the same path.

Lady Beryl Bunchberry
Sure, sounds like a plan!

Greetings All,

You caught my attention with the required ingredient of A Perfect Star. I might be able to help if it is stellar in nature and if you need an Earten Formalist I might be able to grant you my assistance there too. I also currently have in my possession essences collected from the Elemental Plane of Flame. They might help in this endeavor.

Please keep me updated.
Lady FallingStar
This Market 5/21 we collected the following:

120 Feyander
Obfuscation Catalyst
Stable Foundation Catalyst x3
Greater Circle of Power
Heart Scale of an Elder Dragon
Heartstring of a First Forest
Rock Feather
Spirit Velem

Eternal Forest Catalyst
Bountiful Harvest x5

In Service,
Lady Beryl Bunchberry
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I have updated the initial listing with this new information, updates are highlighted in [This Color]. If this color is difficult for *royal you* to see, let me know and I will transcribe it to a different color that is easier to read.
Oh! My apologies, I forgot to add that we have a brick of leyore that a member of the Vicount's House Aviary is taking to assess and determine its conversion to usable components.

They should have that answer for us by next market.

Lady Beryl Bunchberry
Oh aye, we do have dat hefty ingot. It do not seem to have a standard value with da merchants we did ask, nor did a quick gander in a Celestial Circle tell us anyt'ing we don't already know 'cep dat it's an Earth-awful heavy t'ing to lug around from one merchant house to da next. But! We are lookin' deeper, speakin' with some of the high-flyin' minds in New Zenith to see what secrets it do have to tell. I tell you dat we don't t'ink it's just big chunk of ore; it's been shaped by a clever hand and a sharp eye, I tell you what. Never you worry, Lady of da Accord, House Aviary is on the job!

Ratite Hudsonsia Zenorum da one and only
Livery and Valet to House Aviary
Your work is much appreciated Zenorum. I cannot thank you enough for being willing to take on the burden you have. If I can be of assistance to you please dont hesitate to let me know.

In Service,
Lady Beryl Bunchberry
In the spirit of brevity I will be brief in my responses. First, my thanks this Shen character, whom I have yet the pleasure of meeting, for being willing to lend his skills in compiling the list of many items we need for the success of this ritual. Second, let me address a few social faux pas that have been performed by the good Lady Bunchberry: Columbidae Woodrow is a viceroy not a titled viscount it is a term that explains his position as apolitical diplomat disassociated from being an official of our governing body, also our porter is Hudsonia, Zenorum is where he makes his home. Third, and finally, we did, in our adventures this past market, stumble across a whirlpool with tentacles reaching out of the waters around it. This may be home to the elder Kraken which is needed for the ritual, however if you cannot breathe underwater, it may be a difficult foe to slay. Perhaps some explosive traps could be send down the swirling rapids to try and lure the creature out?

Thank you for your time,

Kettle Croquet Flank Kolrabi of the Guilderncage III of his Clutch, a.k.a the Apothecary of House Aviary
Well said, Mr. Kettle.

Additionally Lady Bunchberry, Shen (your assistant? partner? scribe?) seems to have mis-updated their list to not include Spirit Velem [sic], even though you accurately included it in your missive. Was this an error on their part or is it a Prademar custom for things to "fall off the wagon" that I'm not suppose to understand yet?

Thank you for your time,

Physicker Fletcher Florence Fitzroy Phineas of Featherfall IV
Churgeon of House Aviary
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Um Mr. Feathfall,

It didn't fall off a wagon. I have it in a bag. I think maybe Shen misheard. Or forgot. Or got woken up and didn't finish. But yep. Spirit Velem. I got it.

Mr Featherfall and House Aviary,

You accuse the wrong individual as he was not at market. *I* was the one who made the list as Coral, Viceroy Woodrow and I sorted through the gathered items from that market. Your Woodrow was present when *all* of the items that were set aside for the ritual were put into the care of Coral.

Apprentice Magistrate Shen, I believe, updated it as I was amending my Missive because I missed it when I was transcribing my notes.

I will give the benefit of the doubt that you did not intend to be as offensive as you were and instead were speaking from ignorance as other matters drew you away from the final hours of the Market. Please note that it is not good form to accuse others of theft with out first ascertaining why something is not included on a given list.

In Service,
Lady Beryl Bunchberry
Lady of Accord
Wife of Duke Brakken of the Eternal Crown
Quartermaster of Fate's Pawns
Good Afternoon Lady Bunchberry,

This is a relief to read as it was I who handed the object over to and your dryad servant; my House would have been thrust into a very awkward position were it implicated, even by a point of confusion, in any kind of larceny or wrongdoing. I addressed you, the highest Lady and acting noble in attendance, solely asking for clarification--making no declarations whatsoever--as it would be improper to address those in your service without first seeking your oversight. Combing through these missives, I now recognize this entire unpleasant experience has merely been a clerical error performed within your dreaming. Of course, it is but an innocent mistake: dreamings, as we see already and often, can be such a tricky discourse to decipher. I cannot emphasize how truly grateful I am to you for your clarification of this untidy business.

To address the continued faux pas, as I'm sure what with the dryad's recent awakening and you not being from these lands, you all are not aware of our culture of our names.

My family name is Fletcher; and I then give respect and pride of place to my mother and father, Florence and Fitzroy, respectively. My given name is Phineas, named after my granddam's father, a respected chirugeon in his own right. Featherfall is my home villa, a beautiful district of New Zenith renowned for its perfected pastoral abundance, yet refined in its architectural layout. The entire province is a recognitions of New Zenith's respect for our agrarian past, yet a testament to our an enlightened and elegant future. While I am Physicker by trade, it would be most appropriate to address me as 'Dr. Fletcher' in deference to my years of training and the grandiloquence of my alma mater

If you are interested, I would love to extend an invitation for you to join House Aviary in one of our afternoon teas. I am pushing for a poetry reading, but I know the Viceroy will certainly overrule me with croquet. We could exchange thoughts, ideas, and stories on each others cultures, while we bask in Bastion's sun.

Thank you for your time,

Physicker Fletcher Florence Fitzroy Phineas of Featherfall IV
Churgeon of House Aviary
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Um, Hi,

I missed the gathering because of well... I was a little lost, but it's ok... I got out.

Did you find anything else for the ritual?
Are we almost ready to go?

Um, Hi,

I missed the gathering because of well... I was a little lost, but it's ok... I got out.

Did you find anything else for the ritual?
Are we almost ready to go?

We got:

193 Heartstone
61 Feyander
2 Catalyst for Stable Foundation
A scroll for Stable Foundation
A Catalyst for Permanent Circle of Power
A Perfect Star

We should be really close to have everything we need.
Can we update this list? With the ritual at the end of the month, I want to ensure we are on the right track.