I find myself in a new land...


It seems the Mists have taken me to a new land again. I am pretty sure I have not been to these lands before, at least this time I was traveling with most of my gear and a few friends.

I have found a place to rest my head this evening, and it seem like my coin is welcomed. I am at a loss, for I do not know the customes or proper etiquette of these lands. If there is anyone that could help me with this I would gladly compensate you for your time. I would just need a little direction on where to go. I have some skill in healing and would be willing to apply that to where ever I end up.
I am currently staying at The Cauldron and Scroll Inn, it is near a place called Fury Falls. Well hope to talk to the fine people of this land soon.

Darkan Silverstorm
Greetings Darkan,

I can't remember if we have met or not. My name is Chulainn Steelclaw and I welcome you to Barran. You are in the Empire of Tel'Anor, I would find people with the guild of the Order of the Earth. They will help as they can. Being a former Mistwalker the only advice I can give is what worked for me. Leave all that you know at the mists, and listen to what Barran has to say, She will tell you what she needs.
Chulainn Steelclaw,

Thank you for your advice. Is there anything I should know about these lands? Also are very vivid dreams common in these lands? The one I had last night was very different.

Darkan Silverstorm
Yes, Darkan, they can be.

This is Tvard, if you recall me? In any case, the Dream in Barran (known as the "Aspuudi") is powerful. It comes in two forces: Nightmare, and Dream. As you can imagine, they are derived from the dreams and thoughts of the denizens of Barran. For this reason, what constitutes as a "dream" or a "nightmare" is entire dependent upon who is HAVING the dream or nightmare. Some dreams are terrible, some nightmares might be kind (though I've never met one that was).

I suppose the moral of the story is to be careful of your dreams, and be wary of anything that claims that it is one.

In service,
Tvard Sendall
Darkan Silverstorm,

Welcome to Barran. I hope you travel lightly and dream well.


I do hope you're not calling me terrible. I've never been anything but polite and... educational... towards you.

Thank you for the additional advice. Also I do not remember you, it has been a long 2 years so I am not sure I even remember me. I do hope to meet you soon, maybe that will start the memories flowing again.


I am glad to be welcomed. I normally travel lightly and I have not dreamed since I got to these lands. So it will be nice to see what happens.

Darkan Silverstorm

Of course not! Then again, we must remember that it's all a matter of perspective, yes?

Hope to see you soon. Perhaps this coming weekend?

Excuse my absence; I hope I shall return to you with information. Endeavor not to get yourself killed. You are... dear to me, and I should hope to find you in one piece when I return to town.
