I seek to scribe spells!


Good day to all friends, both met and to be!

I find myself in need of a mentor to aid me in the teachings of celestial magic. Specifically in the copyings of spells into my book. All costs for the pigments, inks and dyes will me covered by me, I only seek a spellbook to study and write from. Currently I'm familiar with spells up to 2nd circle, but have not the inscription to reference any but a simple Fortress spell.

For those who come to my aid, I will happily part with a song, a tale, or my merry company (guaranteed to keep your spirits lifted!) for this upcoming gather. Now, don't you roll your eyes at me, perhaps the trade of a small trinket or gift? What of a mouth watering dessert or a quenching wine? No? Well, I could part with some coin if nothing else, but that's far from noble trade...
And if Brayden cannot, I know that I can.

Kel, celestial guild member.

If neither Brayden or Kel and their far superior wealths of ability and knowledge on this topic are not available, I have an antiquated book that can likely serve most of your needed purposes.
