Citizens of Wyndael,
We are implementing a vital new service. We have tasked some of the 2nd Legion with the delivery of mail throughout the province. This service is gratis, though our troops would appreciate any tips you feel they deserve. There will be a box placed within Stormbreak Keep's mess hall for your convenience. Should your matter be urgent, you can give your missive directly to the office and it will be sent out immediately. This does incur a service charge of 1 piece of silver, to be paid before the mail is delivered.
- Torvol Pruitt, Postmaster
We are implementing a vital new service. We have tasked some of the 2nd Legion with the delivery of mail throughout the province. This service is gratis, though our troops would appreciate any tips you feel they deserve. There will be a box placed within Stormbreak Keep's mess hall for your convenience. Should your matter be urgent, you can give your missive directly to the office and it will be sent out immediately. This does incur a service charge of 1 piece of silver, to be paid before the mail is delivered.
- Torvol Pruitt, Postmaster