In search of a ritual caster


Minnesota Staff
Elros here, and I have this Earth Aura ritual scroll that I feel could be useful during our stay in Easthaven with talk of undead around. I guess I'm looking for someone who could place this on a sword of mine. I don't know how much a casting would cost, but I think I could pay for it, and if not, Im always good for my word and will pay off my debt as soon as I'm able. Thank you in advance.
-Your local aspiring undead slayer, Elros
though i do not know if they will be attending the upcoming market day you should speak with Lord Asher or Gandian, both are excellent casters.


I certainly could cast it for you. As long as you have the components, the cost would be a mere 1g. Though 2.5g if youre looking to have it Empowered for the year.

Lord Asher,
I would greatly appreciate that. I believe I am short two components, but Im sure I can find somebody willing to sell them. If you have any specific time you'd like to begin, just let me know. Otherwise, the earlier the better. Thank you kindly. -Elros