In the Earthcircle

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Sitting in the Earthcircle, Isawda put together a brief note to the Fatespinner...

"My Lady Fatespinner.

I am pleased to announce that the Guild in Parsons Breach was able to convene again. At that time we were able to take care of several ongoing administrative issues.
Tithing - All current members and one prospective member make a token tithe of a silver each. As a result of a contract with the Colonel, Thistle was able to make a more substantial contribution to our Guild's coffers. Total tithing twelve silver and one copper.
Training - Once again Fredrick was able to find time to expand my own knowledge by teaching me the very basic first steps to Formal Magic. I hope soon to develop some true skill in that area. I was able to offer non magic training to each of the prospective candidates int two different skills each.
Prospective Candidates - Krow from Winters Edge and Jasper a human traveler, have both requested admittance to the Guild. The actions of both would have reflected credit to the Guild during the recent troubles. Master Quinn suggested that any final decision on their admittance must, of course, be your prerogative when next you are in the Breach and able to meet them.
Promotions - Thistle has advised that she stands ready to recite and confirm her possession of all the requirement for entrance into the next elevation of the Guild. Again a matter of that great honor should be only completed when you are present to officiate.
Other issues - It is requested that you consider investing an additional member of our ranks in the Circle. With the departure of Master Bota, having only myself vested exposes the Guild and Breach to some avoidable risk. Perhaps at the same time a different member could be granted access to our warded storage box, in case we need access funds or material for some need of the Guild, Breach or King.
I remain your servant,
(signed) Isawda
Keeper of the Inner Circle"
Sitting in the cool afternoon air of the Breach's Earth Circle, Isawda is enjoying the crisp sharp air and a period of unsuspected calm.

But as he turns the pages of his Journal, he begins to lean forward and frown. How could so many members of the Circle be so unaware. There are only two main restrictions on the magic of the Circle. They were simple and crystal clear. Yet Tal has been lost entirely, and Fredrick had fared only slightly better. And they had been too of the strongest members of the Guild at the time!

Aloud he read them into the silence of the Circle:

"Members of the Guild are prohibited from teaching magic to non members."
"Members may never dabble in Celestial magic."

Unaware or skirting the edges of the rules like a low rent barrister. Neither was acceptable. With a nod, he closed the leather bound journal. The next meeting of the Circle must ensure that all the members remembered and lived by those two requirements. In a land so hard pressed by Necromancy, the Circle had to stand as a clean and trusted power in opposition. Nothing less was acceptable. Nothing less.
Rounding the corner of the Howling Crag's Rest the Colonel scans the Commons area. Seeing Isawda at the Earth Circle he approaches and gives him a bow of his head, "Sheriff Isawda, a moment of your time please."
Standing quickly and stepping out of the Circle, Isawda bows to the Colonel.

"Of course. How can I or the Earth Circle be of service this fine day?"
"Just placing another order of potions, the same will do as last time. If I could get you to give the potions to Master-at Arms Hamish that would be great. Here's payment up front," handing over a coin pouch.
Isawda nods... "Tis no great surprise that the Breach may have need of further healing potions. Few days seem to pass without some call to arms."

Accepting the pouch uncounted and unweighted he adds "So shall it be done. As always the Earth Circle can serve no higher purpose that to stand for the King and Kingdom and against the dark the strives against us all."

"Have you any other service you wish of me or the Guild?'
Picking up quill an paper, Isawda writes a quick note.


You remain our most skilled potion crafter, and as we agree in our recent meeting have the current use of one of our Guild potion workshops. Would you be willing to repeat your last batch of healing potions for the Colonel? I know that the profit margin is not great, but the the need of the Breach for healing potions is. Please let me know your pleasure so I can arrange an alternate solution for the Colonles request if required.

I remain,

(signed) Isawda"
Sitting in the Earth circle, Isawda tried yet again to reach the peace of mind that will allow him to receive a guiding vision. Visions are part of what make one a Biata, and he has not had one in a very, very long time. Nightmares, aplenty. But not a true vision to guide his path.

Perhaps it is the blood dripping slowly from his brow, where hie has torn free and burned his plumage. Perhaps it is the lack of a cool comforting stone about his neck. Certainly part is the fact the he can no longer share his concerns with Ithawda for the comfort that always provided. Perhaps it is the fact that Duke Mortis steps still foul the earth they touch!


He hisses as he raises his head to reveal eyes almost as red as the blood that finds its way down his face, frozen in hate.

Slowly he forces his face to relax, and his eyes to calm. It may be a long time before he is worthy of a Biata vision. But until then he must center himself. Balance his anger against his duties to the Earthweavers, the Breach and his friends. Bank it away, store it up where none can see it. For a day when he is worthy of his stone, feathers, powers of the mind, visions ... and revenge.

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