In the streets of Calenhelm

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Illandra looked around, trying to find someone to deliver her note. She had written the report as clearly as she could, but without the other Arcane sanctum members to review with currently, he report wasn't much more than rumors and speculation. Along with the note, a nice handwritten letter was attached to explain this was only a preliminary report. The in detail would come once the other members were reached.

"Is that one there?" she mumbled to herself, then with a short shake she decided it wasn't. "Please let me find someone. I would prefer to stay away from there..." She looked down at her letter addressed to the Archmage Az'Caine, and Magistrate Corstar. They both scared her.
Giving a dramatic sigh, she put the letter in her bag and slowly started walking towards the Arcane Sanctum. She might as well get this over with. Besides, she had things to ask the Archmage...
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